Thursday, February 02, 2006

Nothing better to do

So Jill is in the middle of a speaker phone conference call, which is making it impossible for me to work on the old dissertation, so I figured I would respond to Hursty's call for posts. Unfortunately, there's not really much to report from the Land of Ahh's. (Yes, that is an official Kansas motto.)

The highlight of the last week or so had to be Jill and I stumbling across the end of a truly great movie the other night, Men with Brooms. Since we only saw the last twenty minutes or so, I can't give it a proper review, but I'll tell you there's nothing more exciting than two heart-stopping curling moments in the space of ten minutes. I have to believe Doug could describe it in more detail, since a Canadian movie lover couldn't really call himself either unless he had seen this flick.

Once we actually manage to meet enough people, Jill and I are planning a curling movie theme party. You are all invited in advance.

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