Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Introducing Norah

Greetings everyone -- Happy to announce the birth of Honorah Anne Walsh ("Norah"), yesterday afternoon, weighing in at a healthy 9 lbs, 10 oz (1 oz more than Christian). Sent an email around yesterday so if you didn't get it there must be something wrong with how I have your address -- let me know if that is the case.

Brown Chicken Brown Cow

Dear Lincoln,

Ever since the reunion, we have heard your joke way too many times. It is spreading to Ohio.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Reunion

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to wish all that are attending the big 10 year extravaganza a super fun weekend in Hanover!

Please blog us a full report of the highlights - I wish I could be there!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I'll Show you Real Shame

Real shame is analyzing the average number of spins required to complete the Chutes & Ladders game as a function of location on the board.

If someone can tell me how to post an excel spreadsheet to the Blog, I think I can demonstrate conclusively that you are actually closer to the end at space 74 than you are at spaces 75-87 (obviously excluding space 80).

My calculation is that it takes, on average, 40.38 turns to complete the game. It would take only 33.33 turns if there were no chutes or ladders.

That is real shame.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I feel shame

I don't have a good reason for my extended seclusion. I have many poor excuses, such as working too much and putting my computer into storage, but no valid ones.

Hopefully you remember who I am.

Dan, I sent Betsy an invitation to the blog.

Jon, thank you for your support. Losing to the Flyers was extremely frustrating (8 posts in 5 games!), but if your powerplay only scores 5% of the time, you don't deserve to win. I was very disappointed that Detroit won the Cup. They play the most boring, clutch-and-grab hockey I have seen in years. They got away with a lot of interference. Still, Pittsburgh just didn't play well enough.

We're going to reunion but we didn't register. It seemed like a lot of money for a lot activities we have no interest in.

New Year's might be tough for us this year.

< pause for effect >

Yes, go ahead and jump to that conclusion. Daughter #2 is due in late October.

That being said, if we ever manage to sell our condo, I'd be psyched to have New Year's in Boston.

Oh, and we just bought a Wii. It was Anne's idea, believe it or not. She has already beaten me soundly in tennis.

10 points if you know what movie the title of this post is from.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to tend my screaming daughter who refuses to go to sleep.