Friday, August 20, 2010

Beavis & Butthead

So I'm talking with Ernest today about new spirits brands and the conversation referenced the quality perception of Canadian products. The reference sparked a diversion to Southpark, which in turn led to references to Beavis & Butthead. We agreed that watching Beavis & Butthead does actually make you more stupid.

I refrained from mentioning that Josh and I spent an entire weekend painting the Moose double while quoting Beavis & Butthead nonstop.

Ahh, good times. Good times.

Good stuff that Josh should post a comment on the day I was thinking of him at work.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Parenting is easy when they can all walk

Last time we had a 16 month-old and Betsy wasn't pregnant, it was because she had just given birth to Wesley. I have to say it's nice to get sevenish hours of sleep every night and to only contend with one nap per day. Any suggestions as to what we can do with all our new-found free time?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

BLD Sig Eps

Sorry to hijack the blog, but I heard that no one responded to Hasenkamp's email. Just in case you missed the message, there's a fundraising effort going on for the new house being built. Check out the photos of the demolition and building at: feed:// Anyway, Russ Stidolph is matching all 97, 98, and 99 donations. See the text below:

Dear SigEps from ’97, ’98 and ’99,

As some of you are aware, Zeuss, our beloved House Dog to SigEp during your tenure on campus, recently passed away this past May after 15 wonderful years. To memorialize Zeuss and the spirit and era of the house he symbolized your fraternity brother, Russ Stidolph, is proposing to make a significant contribution to SigEp in his honor to support the Campaign to build the new chapter house. To support the effort and to help memorialize Zeuss, and your love of SigEp, now is your chance to take up the challenge of raising the funds to name the Presidents’ Suite in the new chapter house in memory of Zeuss.

Russ is issuing a challenge pledge of $20,000 to all members of the SigEp classes of ’97, ’98 and ’99. What that means is that Russ will match, dollar-for-dollar, every pledge from members of those three classes, a maximum from $2,000 from each individual, and a total from all three classes of up to $20,000.

If you step up and meet Russ’ challenge, not only will the President’s Room be named for Zeus, but the Campaign will go over the $800,000 mark in pledges!

Furthermore, if any class raises $15,000 or more as a group, they will be able to name one of the singles on behalf of the class. This is a separate challenge that is being made by the classes of ’60, ’05, ’10, ’11 and ’12 – all of which have already pledged enough to name a room! So the competition is on – and you have several incentives to make your pledge.

To accept Russ’ challenge, just complete the attached pledge card and return it either by mail or email. Pledges can be spread over a period of up to five years; can be fulfilled by direct payment or credit card; and can be set up for automatic periodic payment directly from your bank account or credit card. And pledges to the Campaign for SigEp at Dartmouth are tax deductible.


Bob Wetzel ‘76

Chairman, The Campaign for SigEp at Dartmouth