Thursday, December 21, 2006

Traveling with 3 month olds

Flying with a 3 month old is nothing! It's easy! At 3 months, Caleb had flown to Illinois, California and Florida.

Driving with a 3 month old is a whole other ball of wax. You can't take the baby out of the car seat when you're driving (as opposed to at the airport or on the plane). Plus, the same trip takes only a few hours instead of 3 days. (Yes, 3 days of driving from Wichita to Cleveland.) Have I mentioned that Reva only likes the car 50% of the time? The rest of the time is spent screaming, even if we're moving! (If you don't have kids, you haven't yet learned that stoplights are evil. It's one of the great discoveries of parenting.)

I would much rather be flying, but we couldn't afford 4 tickets this year. Josh'll be done with his dissertation next year, though, and working, so hopefully we won't have the same problem.

We're sorry we won't get to meet Julia just yet. But we're looking forward to seeing her in May.

(This is in reference to Doug's comment below about New Years. Apparently, the new version of Blogger is not good enough to recognize an account that has been converted as a team member of this blog, so no comments from Jill until Doug has a bit of time to switch the blog over. Hopefully that won't be too long since I think it's out of beta now. Sadly for you, I can still create new posts.)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Happy Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to Mr. Papsdorf and Mrs. Greenwald. I hope the first day of your fourth decade was spectacular (and that I got your ages correct).

Monday, December 11, 2006

Our Eyes Only

The new version of blogger lets you make blogs password-protected and just for authors. Doug could make the BLD blog visible only to those of us with passwords so we could post pictures with impunity (which I do anyway, but I know some people are more careful).

Just a suggestion. (I'm sure the new blogger does lots of other things, too, but I haven't spent too much time looking at it.)

new years plans

hello all. if you are coming to lovely cleveland for new years, please let me know your plans when you get the chance. all i know so far:

- the mazzuccos are coming by plane, arriving saturday & departing monday; i have their flight info
- the papsdorfs are coming by car, arriving saturday & departing TBA
- maurissa can't come

i should probably start planning food and sleeping arrangements so just give me the heads up.

hope you are all doing well and can't wait to see you.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

New Address

Devon and I moved into our new house on Nov 17th. We're still organizing things, but some pictures are up and the tree is decorated. I don't want to post the address online, but as soon as I get the internet connected, I'll email it out. All previous addresses should get forwarded to us so never fear. We are now officially in Modesto. We're renting, but it's nice to be in a home without neighbors on the other side of the wall. I hope the holidays are treating you all well.


Saturday, December 02, 2006

Joining the ranks

Hi Friends,
I made the requisite call to Shan, so I thought it safe to post my crazy news! (I hope she doesn't mind my teasing her)
Jay and I told our parents this Thanksgiving that we're expecting a baby in July. I guess that makes it true. Although, given our schedules of late--Jay phrased it best when I told him, How is that *possible*?
Regardless of the logisitics, which I shall spare you, I am well on my way to getting pudgy and to setting records for peeing. Luckily, since I've been on surgery, after an initial pep talk, baby has been quite cooperative in the morning sickness department. If not for the exhaustion, which may be work's fault somewhat, there are times when I could forget that I'm pregnant. I'm almost afraid to write that--better go knock on some wood.
Miss you all!