Monday, March 31, 2003

I just sent in the form to stay in the dorms too. Anne & I will be driving up on Friday, leaving Sunday. Jon, you're welcome to hitch a ride. Hopefully it will be in my car...

For those who haven't heard yet, which is probably most of you, I totalled my car on I90 last month after making a grand total of 2 payments... Anne & I miraculously came out without a scratch. Someone up there must like us being together. 8) Josh/Jill & Kevin/Shannon, now you know why I haven't visited you yet. (I promise I will)

Anyway, now that all the insurance stuff is done with, I should be able to get another car soon. Getting to Dan's via public transportation really sucks.

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

The Papsdorfs will be attending. We'll be renting a car and driving from New York...There'll be space for 2 in the backseat if anyone wants to ride up with us. We sent in a form to stay in the dorms and won't be going to Moosilauke. It'll be so great to be back on campus and see lots of friends! Anyone else?

who is going to the reunion?

when are you all getting there/ leaving (can i fly into boston and meet somebody there, or shoudl i rent a car, or should i fly into manchester)

are you staying in a residence hall?

are you going on this moosilauke trip thing?


Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Apparently the U.S. government has come up with some signs regarding terrorism and the like. This page, which puts captions under the official signs, is really funny. Warning for the tender-minded that there is some salty language.

Khoa Ha, long time friend of the BLD, just had a baby. Actually, his wife gave birth, but he's a daddy. Lucy Ha was born yesterday - about 20 inches long and 8 lbs 4 oz, I think.

last time i saw lincoln with his shirt off, he looked like he might be having a baby.

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

ps. my call out to Rob was a not so funny joke about his also having a baby. Mo was worried that it meant that he was being deployed or something. Sorry to have freaked anyone out.

Monday, March 17, 2003

Doug invited me, so now I can blog as myself and not steal maurissa's thunder.
If this gets posted twice, it's because I'm a doofus.

Hi, (from Kristin)
So no one told me how I can get connected to this little circle chat.
Who is in charge of inviting people? I would like to be invited. I opened an account: kakelly
Can someone please help?

I am amazed by the bld baby explosion. Just to make sure I'm caught up: there is a little Tiffany/Chad, a little Dan/Betsy and a little Kevin/Shannon on the way.

Rob, have you told anyone else yet?

Friday, March 14, 2003

I know you were all waiting with baited breath to hear of the birth of ny niece, Jordan Francine Anderson; 7 lbs, 4 oz, 19.5 inches, this morning at 9:30 AM. According to my mother (an unbiased observer), she's beautiful.

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

I was disappointed to visit this link and not find "The Walsho" as a listed dance move. maybe it is too complicated for the general public to grasp.

Monday, March 10, 2003

The New York Times Magazine did its cover story this week on the court that I'm currently clerking for. The title of the piece is: "The Intellectual Heart of Conservative America." If anyone is looking for a good way to kill fifteen or twenty minutes, I recommend checking it out by clicking on this link (though it should be apparent that the reporting is somewhat slanted). My judge is Paul V. Niemeyer. He's on the bottom left of the picture. I'm curious to hear if anyone has reactions to the article. That is all.

Tragically, Betsy is not as excited about Mo as she should be. Since she has some say over the name, I might have to do something tricky to get Mo as a name - i.e., Mo is short for Mortimer or Mark or David, etc. However, if we have enough kids, she's going to run out of names, and I will be able to name the baby Mo straight up

Saturday, March 08, 2003

Never mind, I figured it out. I love those crazy math tricks. Have a good weekend, all!

Friday, March 07, 2003

Okay, you are all a bunch of geniuses. Can you please explain this mind reader to me? It has worked every single time.
BTW, Dan - I thought that "Mo Mazzucco" was a lock for your first born's name. What happened?

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

mixed emotions. i laughed out loud when dan sarcastically says hello to me in the newsletter, then get yelled at for doing what i thought was a good thing and sending in an address update. next time they get a green card filled with princess bride quotes and they might be giants lyrics.

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

So Hursty, how does it feel to be soundly scolded in the class newsletter? That's what you get for sending in those cards.