Tuesday, February 14, 2006


If you guys could do me a favor (and I think I already requested this a while back, but if you could do it again, that would be great).

click on the following website:


Also, if any of you have any personal websites or blogs, and could post a blog on there with this website link, that would be fantastic. We are trying to get this website #1 on google and yahoo search pages. apparently (and doug you may know this better than i do), it will help not only to have the website get hits from other computers, but also to have the page linked by other websites.

thanks very much!



Kansas Mom said...

If I ever get around to updating our website again, I'll be sure to add a link. In the meantime, I've done my part by clicking on it from here.

Rob said...

I bet if you search for "www.neilcornrich.com" it already comes up #1...