Monday, February 06, 2006


Hey all,
Congratulations, Rob, on the new job. Modesto sounds awesome.
Also, Josh, your movie sounds great. And, if you are looking for another show stopper, try Grizzly Man. The combination of idiocy, and well, idiocy is unparalleled...okay, okay, maybe Hands on a Hardbody gives it a good run for its money. But, otherwise, Grizzly Man is in a league of its own. I'm telling you, its "star" Tim Treadwell is one disturbed and misguided dude. And, the people they find to back him up and/or criticize him (go Alaskans) are truly special too. Anyway, I think it's on most nights this week on Discovery...give it a looksie, you won't be disappointed.
Well, I better get back to studying my pulmonary pathology for my exam this week. I have pulmonary and cardiology...
bottom line, don't smoke.
Seriously, don't do it.
But, do drink lots of wine, in particular, Gallo.
Over and out,

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