Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Musings of a tired student

Thanks for the movie recommendation Kristin. Jill and I have been toying with renewing our Netflix membership, and if we do, I'll put it on the list.

Echoing Hursty, it would be nice if everyone would post things a little more regularly; I could use the entertainment. The problem is that I'm suffering from a bit of dissertation ennui. After turning in a 75 page section draft, I'm feeling a wierd combination of satisfaction and dismay when I consider that it's the second longest thing I've ever written (the only thing longer being my Dartmouth philosophy thesis) and yet I have to write two more sections of similar length in addition to an introductory section, conclusion and sundry other little bits.

If only I could have a nice 9-5 office job, especially one with Cabernet and Chardonnay (instead of regular and decaf) in the break room.

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