Monday, February 27, 2006

NFL Combine

an interesting experience. i was in indianapolis for the NFL Combine, which is pretty much the biggest meat market around for upcoming NFL draft hopefuls. we had three players there, but also used the opportunity to meet with teams about potential free agents. i actually had a pretty good time. saw a lot of famous people (at least by NFL standards), and due to neil's suspension issues, i had to be the one who actually met with all of the team general managers about our players. it was fun. hopefully i didn't screw anything up.

indianapolis is a pretty neat town. very pedestrian friendly. on saturday night, i was done with everything around 4 or 5 pm, so i just walked around, knocked around this huge mall, and got some dinner. even by myself, it was enjoyable

well that's about it for me. the next two weeks will be extremely busy with free agency, so i may not post for a while. or i may take some time out to vent if things get annoying. hope all is well.


Kansas Mom said...

Josh and I were in Indianapolis for a conference a few years ago and had a great time. It helped that I was being wined and dined as one of Marriott's top clients (as a representative of NAF, of course).

Kristin said...
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Kristin said...

Ack! I was just trying to say that you should have looked up the Horwitz parental units. Also, when I went to visit Mo there we saw a super cool laser light show set to, I believe, Pink Floyd. Should have caught that too.