Friday, June 17, 2005

Invitations & FB

I have extended invitations to Lincoln, Tiffany & Jess. Even if they don't sign up for Blogger account, at least now they know where to go for some BLD-related news.

For those who weren't in MN, I have begun work on a Family Business computer game. For now I am concentrating on just the basics (i.e. getting it to run), but feel free to email me with any suggestions for future improvements. Some examples from my wish list:

- a BLD mob
- the ability to create your own mob and mobsters
- funny sound clips (e.g. "kill the cancer")
- different personalities of computer opponents (think of the sims in Perfect Dark)
- statistics
- customized rules (e.g. atomic bomb)

I'm really serious about doing it, I just hope I have enough spare time to get it done in a reasonable amount of time.

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