Monday, June 06, 2005

Hiya Jon (et. al.),
I give major props to any woman who goes Salsa dancing and I still encourage the Polly movie viewing.
Anyway, in the midst of finals...knocked a class out today (Nutrition), so I'm a little brain dead.
Jill, I'm very interested in the What's going on in there book? For various reasons, all of which are likely obvious.
Jon best of luck on Wed. and keep us (me) up to date.

ps. Saw Star Wars again on Sat. and still liked it.

1 comment:

Kansas Mom said...

I actually thought you might like What's Going on in There?. It's right up your alley and really a tremendous book. After all the text books you've been reading (and your experience with neurobiology), it'll probably be an easy read for you. I don't have quite the same background and found it flowed really well. You'll have to let me know what you think. I do highly recommend finding a hardcover copy at a library, though. The chunks of pages falling out can be distracting and disturbing.