Thursday, November 10, 2005


I think the next person to join will be that one girl, what was her name - Wendy? If I recall, she actually sent out an email asking to be removed from the BLD list. hahahahah.

On Halloween, I didn't really dress up. But I did put a sign up on the door of my house that said, go two doors down, with a big arrow on it. Then I hung out with my parents and passed out candy with them. One kid in particular was hilarious. He couldn't have been older than 4 or 5 and was dressed in a Spiderman outfit. I said to him, hey, what's up spiderman? He stopped dead in his tracks, looked shocked, and asked me in a serious voice, "how did you know that????" hahahah, um, good costume? I had no idea how to respond.

I also went to my friend Ty's 30th birthday/ Halloween party. We all dressed as old people. I got a wig and beard and dressed as a longtime Indians fan. It was my pathetic excuse to dress in my Indians playoff gear that I had gotten out when I was confident they were going to make it. Damn the luck.

Ok, that's it for me. Looking forward to seeing most of you at New Years.

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