Monday, November 14, 2005


Well I must be exaggerating on this blog, or else my stories are getting lost in translation. there was only one abrupt departure, and that was anne marie. i wish it had something to do with my parents living 2 doors down, because at least that would have been an explanation. but unfortunately that had nothing to do with it. now that i have met hillary, i could care less anyway.

the being close to my parents thing has really be a non-issue. my parents don't come to my house unless invited. they are super cool about it. so it really just ends up being convenient for me - when i need something they are close by. when i don't, they might as well be in another state.

as far as when that tidbit is introduced, pretty early i guess. they might as well know. i have nothing to hide, and it's not a momma's boy attachment issue or anything. hillary has no problem with it, which is really all that matters. the only issue that ever comes up has to do with my brother, not my parents. he kind of likes to hang out in my house, and pretty much does whenever he feels like it. so we've set some new "ground rules" recently, and things have been cool.

ok, this is a really long post with basically nothing of substance. hope all are well. sorry about the 'bama loss kristin. that must have sucked.


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