Monday, April 06, 2009

Madeleine Rhynehart Hurst

Just in case anyone didn't get an email or text message from me or Hillary, here are the stats on the newest member of the BLD:

Madeleine Rhynehart Hurst
Born 3/25/09
8 lbs, 8 oz
21 inches

Long swimmer legs, hands, and fingers.

Good eater.

Good crier.

Sporadic sleeper.

Excellent pooper.

Enjoys Dr. Seuss & Disney books.

Madeleine has been a real trooper.  She had a rough entry into the world, deciding to come out sideways after about 24 hours of labor and 3.5 hours of pushing (poor Mom).  She had to be vacuumed out at the end, which led to some bruising on her little head, which led to elevated bilirubin levels.  Because of that, she had to spend the first day and a half of her life under a baby tanning bed, naked except for her diaper, with her head wrapped tightly to protect her eyes from the rays.  She was OK with this scenario for a couple of hours, but then decided, understandably, that it wasn't her cup of tea.  It was hard on Mom & Dad to not be able to hold her, but everything worked out in the end, and we were able to come home as a family a little earlier than expected.


Queen Adin said...

Hi Madeleine! I got forceps used on my head. Glad you're here!


Auntie Adin

Laura said...

So glad everyone is doing okay now! You are doing an excellent parenting job so far! Oh, and SEND MORE PICTURES. :)

Rob said...
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Rob said...

A man knows no greater frustration that to sit by and not be able to *DO* anything when his baby is not all right.

I'm sorry you guys had to go through all that.

Of course, there's not greater joy than to see your healthy little girl smile at you when she sees you.

We're so happy for you three!