Tuesday, September 02, 2008

My Hometown

How come I'm the only one who blogs anymore? 3 kids = no excuse.

In any case, the town we live in just got named a "Classic Town." Yay us.

In other news, Aidan starts soccer on Monday. I am assistant coach. 45 minutes of strength and conditioning practice every evening. As Mama Marilyn used to say, "Discipline!"


jrh17 said...

I've tried to post recently, but my computer keeps telling me that I have some sort of cookie issue and won't let me. I've been too lazy to figure out the problem, so I just post comments instead.

I didn't know you were on Facebook. Now we can be Facebook friends. I'm just Jonathan H so I don't get outted by some creepy wannabe agents.

We are finally getting some grass and trees next week, so that will be a welcome change from the pile of dirt and mud we've been living on the past 7 months.

We also put in an office/library that was just finished last week. We now have our dining room back, which is really key, since we'll probably need to have it ready for a Thanksgiving dinner some time in the next decade.

I don't remember who Sarah Bailin is.

Kansas Mom said...

I remember Sarah Bailin. I think of her every time I hear the VP-nominee's name.

We have lots of trees and grass. Too much, in fact. But we've decided to get carpeting instead of a tractor this month. And we will probably get a storm shelter instead of a tractor next month. So the yard may quickly become an issue. As long as it's shorter than the kids (those that can walk, at least), I'm willing to live with it. We'll see what Josh has to say.

The new version of Firefox started acting up on my work computer. I've been using IE on my personal computer and can post without a problem (at least on my blog). I'm just busy. (Three kids may not be an excuse, but I think three kids and a move should count for something. I'm also in negotiations with my employer to come back as a consultant rather than full time...big changes!)

Tiffany said...

Sarah Bailin is great. She was my roomate the year I spent in New York, if anyone remembers that. She just spent the summer working in India.

Amanda started kindergarten last week, and I'm trying to find a new routine for the other girls while she's gone. Amanda is much more self-directed than the other two, so it's been a challenge. Amanda also loves to spend time with her sisters, so they are missing her very much.

Anyone who needs more pink in his or her life, can check out the blog I started for the girls - http://ourthreeb.blogspot.com/
I started it mostly to keep our many far-flung family members posted, but most of them had no previous experience with blogs, so I've had to do some work educating them.

Chad's back is mostly better. He'll go back to the doctor in a couple months to have it checked again.

Rob said...

Actually, Mama Marilyn used to say, "Run through the man!", "Don't jump and turn or I'm taking you out!", and "Don't let them see you hurt. If you're hurt enough to limp, you're hurt enough to come out." I think that's what she said anyways... I don't seem to remember it too clearly. ;-)