Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Dan, really?

As I sit her pondering explosion, I remember the following remark on Dan's post about Benjamin's birth: "Castor oil, curse or blessing"
Question: did you really try this?
I'll admit to being skeptical.

But, I'd enjoy a story about it, if there is one, while I wait. and wait.
and wait.

1 comment:

Mazzucco said...

Yes, Betsy took castor oil. She woke up on the 17th, and was sick of waiting. At like 3 AM, she took a dose. Within 15 minutes, she was nauseous and in labor. We waited for her to puke it all up, and then went to the hospital (since Wesley had come so quickly). 15 minutes is no lie. The causality of labor is unclear, given the rapid post-ingestion onset.

Our doctor didn't recommend it per se, but did provide a recipe (which is pretty close to an endorsement).

Shannon can speak about her clinical experience in more detail, but when we consulted her, she did not recommend it.

Ultimately, I'm not sure whether Betsy would recommend it. She does periodically say that it was miserable to wait day after day at 9+ months pregnant and taking care of two. And it appears that castor oil helps some speed the process.

By the way, I apologize for not posting more, but Netscape crashes every time I log on, which is typically after I have written a post and am ready to publish. And then I don't have the will to try again.