Go a little green
So I'm guessing this may not be the most popular post, but with Earth Day coming up and the impending environmental doom that has become inarguable by the most conservative of scientists, I am going to go ahead and post anyway.
I know we can't all make the switch to hybrid cards or convert all our homes to solar power right now, but this website www.gocarbonzero.com does allow you to make a difference. It will calculate your annual carbon footprint and - if you like - you can make a donation which will be used to plant enough trees to offset your carbon dioxide output for the year. Just for reference, to neutralize my CO2 emissions, it was a donation of about $60. Money well spent!
If you don't do this, it means that you hate polar bears. And New Orleans. And penguins. And your grandchildren.
Some other easy things:
Buy local food, organic if you can (but just avoiding the shipping of non-local food is big, plus your farmer neighbors will appreciate the support). We love our farmer's market (summer only, sadly).
Use gdiapers. www.nrdc.org/thisgreenlife/pdf/0702.pdf We've been very pleased.
Just don't buy stuff you don't need. It's not just about the packaging, it's about the impact on the environment to grow, build, manufacture and ship it.
Wichita hardly recycles (come on City Council!), so we've been looking at lots of other ways we can be proactive.
Those are great ideas, I love the farmers markets too! Thanks Jill!!!
Thanks, Mo!
And thanks Jill for the diaper info. I used mostly cloth diapers for the first two girls because I couldn't stand the thought of generating so much trash. I was very happy with them, but it's just been too much to do with Eliza - I have enough trouble keeping up with my laundry as it is. gdiapers seems like a great alternative. I'll be sure to pass that along!
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