Thursday, April 27, 2006

Golfball Sized Hail + Car = Bad

So one of the things I've always said I missed about Kansas was the thunderstorms. I'm not so sure about that now. Turns out that 10 minutes of golfball sized hail can do about $5000 worth of damage to a car.

In slightly better news, it turns out that insurance is a good ideas, since they're going to pay for all but $250. A word of advice though, if any of you out there are like me and never had serious bodywork done on your car before, you should know that it can take 2-3 weeks in the shop. So... if like me you think you'll save a few bucks by foregoing the rental car reimbursement coverage on your insurance policy, don't. Now we get to bum rides off my parents for the better part of a month. Sweet...

That's the latest from the heartland; hope you all are having better April's. (I guess we know Lincoln is.)

P.S. Regarding Rob's yoga, (insert Nelson Muntz "Ha, Ha" here).

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