Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Stupid Network Executives

I know, I never ever ever post on this blog, but I just checked in and have to back up Kristin's TV programming dilemna.
Thursday night at 8pm is a huge problem for me too Kris! I totally missed the season opener of Alias b/c my old school TiVo can only handle one show at a time (and I had The OC ranked one higher than Alias) and I wasn't home to watch the other one in my bedroom.

Anyway, if you get a TiVo nowadays, they are almost all dual tuner - which means you can record one and watch the other all at the same time on the same TV. Or if you're not going to be home, you could record one on your VCR and one with your Tivo (which is what I'm going to have to do).

I'm tempted to change career paths and move into Network Scheduling because this fall's schedule is so terrible. It's like they want their key demographics to suffer by forcing us to choose between our favorite shows. Seriously I think at 8pm on Thursday it's Alias, The OC, Smallville, Survivor and Joey - are you kidding me? And yet I have absolutely nothing to watch Monday and Tuesday at 8pm. Morons. Morons, I tell you!

As usual, I have no input on the baseball season. All I know is that the Cubs are out of the playoffs - and have been for some time - thanks to my beau, I actually know some Cubs players' names too. Yes, miracles can happen.

Okay, that's it, I'm signing off for another five year hiatus.

Oh and good luck with all the pink problems, peeps. I too inherited pink - both my bathrooms are tiled with it - so when ya'll are done ripping out all yours, feel free to pack up the sledgehammers, head west and help me take care of mine.

My best to all of you!!!

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