Saturday, July 23, 2005

Hello hello

Hi All,
Sorry I've been neglectful of our blog, Jon and Jill. But, long story shorter: Jay and I were contemplating buying the duplex that we currently rent because the landlord said that he was going to sell it and we could buy it or move on. We didn't feel like moving, so we considered buying it. The whole situation was suspect, though, because our landlord's lawyer tried to get us to sign a contract at our first meeting. Needless to say, even though Jay has the bar next week, we didn't need that hurdle over to know we had to get the place inspected. To quote the inspector: "Not only would I not buy this place, but I would also move out as soon as I could." I guess our crawl space (a stupid thing they do instead of basements in the South) has the worst mold that he's ever seen. I'm pretty crazy neat in our living area, so I was angry to learn that my living situation is likely the reason that I've thought I was allergic to AL all year. Good news is, we've found a house that we like and we're set to close on August 8. But, it's been very very busy.
Miss you guys,

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