Sunday, March 13, 2005

It's very late and I'm up because I had a premonition that our computer was going to die and take all pictures of Caleb with it. So I'm burning hundreds (yes, this is an exaggeration) of discs of all his pictures in duplicate so we can put one set in the lock box. Silly, I know, but I'll feel better once it's done.

We have been camera-less for about three weeks. We finally ordered a new one, but we'll have missed a month of Caleb's life. So now, baby number 2 (no, not on the way yet) will at least have more pictures than Caleb did when he or she is 14 1/2 months old compared to Caleb at the same age. I do have a couple of pictures of Caleb (and all of us) at the Gates here in NYC from Sarah Ito. Eventually I'll scan those for his site.

In case you haven't already heard, Josh and I are planning on moving to the Midwest at the end of May, or perhaps the end of June. We don't know exactly when or exactly where, but we do know we're moving. He's going to write his dissertation. I'm going to keep working (discussions currently ongoing to work remotely for NAF). Hopefully, Caleb will be in the loving care of either my Mom or Josh's Mom. Sherlock is safely home with Dan and Tania. We hope to have him back within three months (once we move).

That's all the news and then some. Kristin and Jon, it's great to keep in touch with you this way.

Oh - and I've started another blog. (So I can have more reasons to stay up past my bedtime.) If you're interested in being a contributor, just let me know.

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