Tuesday, November 12, 2002

A whole chunk of posting by Kevin and no mention of the Papsdorf visit to Baltimore. Ok, so we were only there for a few hours -- but we did spend $10 for some pasta and the Walsh tour of downtown Baltimore, so I'd hope for at least a mention. Be sure to ask what Baltimoreans believe in...they don't seem to be sure. (Note to all BLDers: All visits to Kevin and Shannon should be scheduled around Ravens and Orioles games until further notice. Their rent is subsidized by parking for Baltimore athletic events.) Also, I'm not sure, but their apartment building might actually be a cult. Signs all over the place offered money for bringing more people in...sounds suspicious to me. Seriously, it was great to see Kevin and Shannon for a little while -- and perhaps even a small miracle that they were both home.

We also drove through Smyrna on the way from Baltimore to New York City. We discovered Lincoln at an unnamed automobile dealership attempting to convince some defenceless senior citizen (probably a veteran) to liquidate all the retirement savings for a $40,000 truck with $700 monthly payments. Josh and I rushed to the rescue and convinced this pillar of society (the senior citizen, not Lincoln) to purchase a ScootAbout instead.

Actually, Lincoln was hard at work serving the community of Smyrna by providing quality automobiles at an outstanding price. He has not, however, visited our lovely blog and was therefore woefully behind in the BLD news. We should all email him once a day until he posts his own blog so the rest of you could have the great knowledge we now have of Lincoln's life.

There's other news, but I'll leave something for Josh to do while I'm away this week at our conference. I'll be manning the Cyber Cafe in Houston if anyone wants to visit.

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