Tuesday, November 12, 2002

Preemption . . . Jill has beaten me to the punch in relaying news of the visit of the Papsdorfs to "Charm City" (aka Baltimore). I wasn't neglecting them in my post on Dan. Rather, I was trying to space out the news. But instead my account of the news made it seem that I was spaced out. Josh and Jill came to Baltimore for a few hours; they lingered over some fine pasta with meat sauce, as well as Caesar salad. We then strolled through parts of downtown Baltimore, an abridged version of the tour given to Jonathan Hurst the previous weekend. We noted the markers for the homeruns hit in Camden Yards, including a blast by Jim Thome. It was great to catch up with them. I'm reliably informed that Josh is already on the pastoral council of his church, policing orthodoxy at the request of the pastor, who is impressed by Josh's theological sophistication. We better keep an eye on that parish. Also, Josh and Jill will be leading a bible study; apparently nobody else in the parish had ever done that before. Unfortunately, Shannon had to leave early. She is now working nights. Because her shift is 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. (which actually is almost 2.5 shifts, I guess), we are not seeing too much of each other these days. Well, that's it for now. All other potential news is reserved for a future post.

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