Thursday, November 14, 2002

Boy, you never know ... Welcome to Amanda, who has joined this blog with a bang. I can't believe my post made her chuckle out loud, especially given my innocuous suggestion, which was more a way of inducing Rob to divulge some details rather than a suggestion for Dan's agenda. Indeed, I recommend that one seeks Dan's prayers only with caution, because they're pretty effective, so you have to be careful what you ask for. I'm not kidding about that. If I were kidding, I'd ask Dan to pray for ND's football team, but even though I hold them in great esteem, I don't know that they're worth his time. Amanda, sounds like Kellogg really deserves its #1 ranking. At least they appreciate TPB. But I could explain game theory in terms of the Vezzini/Wesley interaction for free, and you have to pay big $$$ to have some schlep with an MBA explain it for you. I guess they're not #1 for nothin'.

As for the difference between "post" and "post & publish", I think that it doesn't require an advanced degree to recognize that the latter has "& publish," whereas the former just has "post." Any more questions? Actually, I have no idea what the difference is. And that's all for now folks. I'll be here all week.

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