Thursday, November 14, 2002

Following Jon's lead as usual... I'm here now too and it looks like there's a lot of news to catch up on. Hi everyone. And you better come to CA for New Year's- it is not an option. It will be fun. If you won't come, I'm sending Lincoln to spend quality time with you. That will teach you to skip out...

As for news - I'm finally a Captain in the US Army. Technically, I'm in the CA Army National Guard, but the rank is federally recognized. I also recently petitioned to move to the Individual Ready Reserve. It's interesting that I'm trying to move into a group that has a higher probability of getting activated and deployed than the one I'm currently a part of. I do have my reasons though.

And finally, I'm dating an actual girl. Well, a woman actually. You will all meet her at New Year's if you come. I do my best for incentive!!

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