Friday, September 10, 2010

Help for Lincoln

Lincoln, I thought you might need some pointers in speech-making from one of the great up-and-coming politicians Ohio has to offer.  I would watch all 6 minutes if you have time.  You'll probably want to take notes.



Mazzucco said...

I've never been so scared and amused at the same time.

And now I'm just scared.

Joshua said...

That was unbelievable. So many things... Masters in Communication, the fact that he apparently holds an elected position... Wow.

I thought the most frightening moment might have been when the audience applauded at the end, but Jill noted that they might have been afraid that he was armed.

Rob said...

I heard this on the radio driving into work. I echo Josh with a hearty "Wow..."

I wonder if he would have received a better grade in Speech than Dan for that performance? Just thinking out loud.

Rob said...
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Laura said...

Wow, that was painful. Reminiscent of Howard Dean's breakdown, but much worse.