Friday, August 20, 2010

Beavis & Butthead

So I'm talking with Ernest today about new spirits brands and the conversation referenced the quality perception of Canadian products. The reference sparked a diversion to Southpark, which in turn led to references to Beavis & Butthead. We agreed that watching Beavis & Butthead does actually make you more stupid.

I refrained from mentioning that Josh and I spent an entire weekend painting the Moose double while quoting Beavis & Butthead nonstop.

Ahh, good times. Good times.

Good stuff that Josh should post a comment on the day I was thinking of him at work.


Joshua said...

I think I spent more time thinking about Beavis and Butthead that weekend than in the rest of my life put together.

I think the only thing more humorous that year was when Rob fell out of the top bunk.

Good times...

Rob said...

Now that wasn't a very good night for me. Dang that hurt. But you did get a chuckle out of me after reading your comment Josh.