Dear SigEps from ’97, ’98 and ’99,
As some of you are aware, Zeuss, our beloved House Dog to SigEp during your tenure on campus, recently passed away this past May after 15 wonderful years. To memorialize Zeuss and the spirit and era of the house he symbolized your fraternity brother, Russ Stidolph, is proposing to make a significant contribution to SigEp in his honor to support the Campaign to build the new chapter house. To support the effort and to help memorialize Zeuss, and your love of SigEp, now is your chance to take up the challenge of raising the funds to name the Presidents’ Suite in the new chapter house in memory of Zeuss.
Russ is issuing a challenge pledge of $20,000 to all members of the SigEp classes of ’97, ’98 and ’99. What that means is that Russ will match, dollar-for-dollar, every pledge from members of those three classes, a maximum from $2,000 from each individual, and a total from all three classes of up to $20,000.
If you step up and meet Russ’ challenge, not only will the President’s Room be named for Zeus, but the Campaign will go over the $800,000 mark in pledges!
Furthermore, if any class raises $15,000 or more as a group, they will be able to name one of the singles on behalf of the class. This is a separate challenge that is being made by the classes of ’60, ’05, ’10, ’11 and ’12 – all of which have already pledged enough to name a room! So the competition is on – and you have several incentives to make your pledge.
To accept Russ’ challenge, just complete the attached pledge card and return it either by mail or email. Pledges can be spread over a period of up to five years; can be fulfilled by direct payment or credit card; and can be set up for automatic periodic payment directly from your bank account or credit card. And pledges to the Campaign for SigEp at Dartmouth are tax deductible.
I can email you the pledge card if you don't have it already.
Hurst, I expect a significant contribution from you.
Actually, a few comments for Rob about blogging etiquette.
1) I never got any email from Hasenkamp.
2) Is "Bob" the famed brother Bob from our time at Dartmouth?
3) If so, does this mean he got out of the house before they demolished it? I hope so.
4) There are only 4 of us on this blog in Sig-Ep (Josh, Lincoln, Doug, and me), and you have all our email addresses, and Doug hasn't responded to this blog since April 2009, so what makes you think he'll respond to this?
5) Please save your money to invest in my start-up company. I promise I won't spend the money on beer.
Would the room be named "Brother Spanky"? In the alternative, would the start-up company?
It depends on the investment.
I'm pretty sure that's true in either case.
Yea, I'm not going to lie to you. I enjoyed most of my time in Sig Ep; however, the father of four who works for a small, poor Catholic school is not really what you would consider "major donor" material.
And yes, I'm still watching this blog. My silence over the last few months is due to general work and family craziness. Also, I'm not entirely sure I understood the Hair Club for Men joke and consequently could not come up with a witty rejoinder.
1) Dan saw it.
2) I can think of at least one case where the better half (and most important half) probably saw it.
3) Josh posted.
4) Former Brother Spanky is considering donating. I'll throw in a Great Lakes Brewing Company pint glass to him if he does (used). Just kidding - it's too useful to give up.
The post had benefits all around.
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