Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Papsdorfs seek Dog-Sitter

One beagle, kind, cuddly and loving, is seeking companionship for a week (and weekend) in August. His deplorable owners are going on vacation without him. He's offering free shelter in the fabulous Brooklyn neighborhood of Park Slope in exchange for at least three walks a day, some food in the morning and some food in the evening. (Dog food will be provided by owners.) Prospect Park is nearby, which is of course fabulous -- full of all the squirrels and birds you could hope to chase. For those interested, churches of almost any demonimation can be found within walking distance, though Sherlock's not allowed inside any of them, so he won't vouch for the doctrines.

Though he's never been on public transportation, he's been told it's just half an hour to Midtown, Times Square or Lower Manhattan. He will quietly await your return for as many as 10 or 12 hours while you cavort around town.

If interested in spending time in August (between the 8th and the 17th) with Sherlock in Park Slope, please email one of his owners. (For those with a child, be assured the apartment will be accommodating. Sherlock is especially anxious to meet any child old enough to drop food or hold it within doggie height. If, however, you or your wife will be expecting the birth of a child in August, it is recommended you stay home and visit some time when Jill can hold the baby.)

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