Sunday, October 06, 2002

One of the benefits of the "blog" format is the ability to set up links to anything at all on the web, whether that be an impostor site, an account of Notre Dame's victory over Stanford (sorry to bring up a sore subject, Rob), or "a heritage of excellence" (compare, e.g., this shady operation).

This page can be a discussion board for topics theological or cinematic or synovial. Because it's on the web, it can be accessed from Chicago or Charlotte or Kauai. And it's easy to post if you say the magic word, "magnificat." Just respond to the email you received about this page, and you will become an authorized post-er. If you need some training on the Blogger software, don't wait, but use your mind, engage in some early intervention and check the FAQ. If we ask nicely perhaps we can get some funding for future upgrades.

So whether you're at work or at home, keep on your favorites/bookmarks list.

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