Wednesday, October 16, 2002

I promised Kevin that I would blog soon, so here I am blogging. What news from Betsy and Dan? We just got done going to three weddings in a row. The first was at my grandmother's house in Belle Harbor, NY. 89 years old and getting married again! Then we drove home just in time to fly to Ireland on Aer Lingus. We toured around the the Cliffs of Moher and Connemara for half the week, then on to Dublin for the wedding. Everyone in Ireland drinks Guiness all day and no one likes Americans, especially in Dublin. We said we were Canadian, but they knew we weren't.

Then we went to Betsy's brother Paul's wedding in Ithaca, NY. We had a great time, but we're happy to be home and back to work. I'm trying to graduate this spring, so I need to finish my experiments and figure out whet they mean. Here is an abstract of my research if you really what to know what I study. Currently, I'm in the midst of analyzing some data. The results are surprising so far, but I don't yet know if that's good or bad.

After one solid week of work, I'm going back on the road, to Sarasota, FL, where my frisbee team, Boss Hogg, is playing in ultimate club series championship. We're seeded 11 out of 16 teams, and hope to improve upon our last place finish of 2000.

That's all you're going to hear from me for now. I've made this site my home page so that I don't have to look every day to see if anyone said hello.

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