Friday, March 11, 2011


I know all about the warehouse fire
I know squirrel-ies didn't chew the wires
Three people have my number - the other two were with me.
I don't like to tell-tell but I'm not your patsy
This time you have gone too far with me
I know you called, I know you called, I know you called
I know you called, I know you called, I know you hung up my line.
Star 69

At first it was hard to think that no one born after 1995 or so would even understand what that song is about (since the advent of the cell phone eliminated the need for "*69." But then I realized that no one born before 1995 understood it, either.

I can't be your character witness
I can't be your alibi

Ahh, it brings me back to a simpler time.

1 comment:

jrh17 said...

I don't know what any songs are about because (1) I don't really listen to lyrics; (2) I like heavy metal, and wouldn't really be able to understand half of the lyrics even if I tried; and (3) I also like They Might Be Giants, whose lyrics are easy to understand but often impossible to assign meaning to.

Wichita 2012