BLD Summer?
Ladies and Gentlemen and Very Many Children,
It has been far too long since we have either organized a gathering or had one nicely planned for us as a byproduct of marriage or Dartmouth reunion.
As our legions of BLD offspring continue to grow (and I say this fully admitting that my travels have become exponentially more difficult with just ONE child as opposed to two, three, or even four), I understand that such gatherings are becoming harder to plan as well as more expensive.
However, while our formerly annual BLD New Year and subsequent (and seemingly also formerly) annual BLD Summer seem to have fallen by the wayside as a result, I am posting this to see if we might try to resurrect it this summer of 2011. Our excuses for such a celebratory (and, frankly, quite august) assemblage could be:
1) The Greenwald Family returning to the States?
2) The engagement of one Maurissa Horwitz?
3) The settling down (at least temporarily) of Adin Kawate in the 48-contiguous states?
4) The wildly successful political run of Mr. Lincoln Willis?
5) My 2010 fantasy baseball championship and regular-season scoring record in fantasy football?
Can we make something work? Thoughts and comments would be greatly appreciated. Happy New Year to everyone.
That is all.
Well, Jon. I guess that's your answer. The BLD is dead.
I'm still planning on going to Wichita 2012, people. Don't try to stop me.
Lincoln and I would definitely be up for a get-together. We could possibly host something, depending on who is able to get together and what you guys want to do! (Unless you are offering, Jon. :))
We'd love to see people, but I really don't know about our availability at this point. Chad won't have a lot of time this summer, and I don't want to travel too far without him. I will say that our chances of being in Ohio for an extended period of time this summer are excellent, though, if you are offering to host, Jon. =)
Are the Kansas folks serious about 2012? I would love to make that trip sometime in the future, and I think I'd probably need to give Chad at least a years notice. =)
Dan, the BLD is only mostly dead. See, there's a big difference between mostly dead, and all dead. Now, mostly dead: the BLD's slightly alive.
The Greenwalds would LOVE to be returning to the states this summer. It is a possibility, but we probably won't know for sure until May or so. Any excuse is a good excuse as far as I'm concerned. We miss everyone.
Hearing from our master planner Amanda has raised my hopes, if not for this summer, then definitely for Wichita 2012.
Some have said that not one group of friends in a century has that chance, no matter what the story books say. ... But, then again...perhaps the BLD has the strength after all...
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