Candidate Willis
I am so behind with my comments on this blog, regrettably. But, 1) Bob McDonnell is great, as is Virginia, 2) Merry Christmas, 3) Happy Thanksgiving, and 4) I definitely fear the Rooney. And, huge congrats to the Papsdorfs!! Keep us updated!
The past few weeks have been a bit overwhelming--Lincoln is running for the DE House of Representatives! Here is a link to his first press release: (search for "Lincoln" and the article should come up)
It is very exciting and I am definitely proud of Lincoln for making the decision to run. He already has a lot of support and some impressive campaign literature (some of which I helped with last night until 1:30--I am never touching a "mail merge" again.) He has his committee in place and a kickoff event lined up, so the campaign is off to a great start.
Who wants to donate their kids to appear with us on the campaign trail? We could work out some sort of rotation. By my count, there are 19(.5) BLD kiddies, and all are amazing. :) Hopefully we will be adding to them before too long!
A lawyer, a car dealer, and a politician...