A quick reminder to check your email for the link and PIN to vote on the proposed alumni constitution and/or the additional amendments to the current constitution.
a gathering spot for BLDers
A quick reminder to check your email for the link and PIN to vote on the proposed alumni constitution and/or the additional amendments to the current constitution.
Posted by
9/19/2006 08:31:00 PM
Rob, what are your thoughts on this? I have been too lazy and disinterested to read all of the opinions about this matter, and I certainly couldn't bring myself to wade through Unai's tome.
Hursty, for what it's worth Jill and I read through all of the stuff from both sides and decided to vote against the new constitution. Ultimately it seems to provide the alumni with more committees that will "advise" the real decision makers but less ability to actually choose the real decision makers. Perhaps most importantly for me, I really doubt the commitment of the current alumni executives to true democracy when they a) cancel scheduled elections to extend their own terms in office, and b) design horribly biased ballots that inform you in big bold print which propositions are supported by the "smart, important people" and which ones are not. I'm pretty sure we break off diplomatic relations with countries that do stuff like that.
Anyways, as you said, it probably does not matter that much in the larger scheme of things, but that's my two cents.
We did vote for all the amendments (at least I did).
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