Saturday, October 11, 2003

Hello everyone. Shannon and I just got our internet set up here at home. I'm pretty sure they monitor all my computer activity at work, so I won't be checking this much from there. But now we're connected at home.

Saw Dan and Betsy and Aidan for a brief while when they passed through en route to a frisbee throwing fest. Aidan is a tank. A big kid. He weighed about 33% more than Mary Grace. Good thing girls mature more quickly. She should have those five days that separate them made up in no time. Anyhow, here are some pictures of her from her Baptism this past Sunday. A fine looking baby, if I say so myself (and I do).

Supreme Court is going well, though it is a bit more stressful than my previous clerkship. Justice Scalia is a great boss ... just a bit intimidating because I find that I am most prone to saying dumb things around really smart people. (That was a backhanded compliment to all of you to the extent that you think that I've said a lot of dumb things around you.)

That's all for now.

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