Thursday, February 06, 2003

Sherlock would like to suggest Watson Walsh and hopes he gets to exhibit all his best sleuthing skills along with his new friend.

My current favorite author is Sigrid Undset, so I can suggest all sorts of fun Norwegian names like Olav, Erlend, Eirik, and Lavrans. I have to admit, so far Lavrans seems to be the least flawed character, so that's my top choice. Lavrans Walsh has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Biblical is always good, too: Andrew, Joshua, Aaron, Moses, Abraham, Elijah, Gideon, Tobias, Noah, Onan, Daniel, John, Job, Nehemiah, Simon, Tobit, Ezra, Peter, Jonah, Obadiah, Zephaniah, Jesus, Adam, Isaiah...the list goes on and on...

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