Black Dynamite
I don't know how you BLD boys could *not* go see this:
Black Dynamite Trailer
It's real. And it's a 2009 release. Next week, in fact. I expect a review posted here by Oct. 17th.
a gathering spot for BLDers
I don't know how you BLD boys could *not* go see this:
Black Dynamite Trailer
It's real. And it's a 2009 release. Next week, in fact. I expect a review posted here by Oct. 17th.
Posted by Maurissa at 10/09/2009 12:31:00 PM 1 comments
Did anyone else catch the Dartmouth football game on the Vs. channel today? I was randomly scanning the channels for good games this morning and was able to catch the last half of the home game against penn.
Posted by Rob at 10/03/2009 11:28:00 PM 0 comments
I can hear Lincoln now - "... and we'll have egg nog, just like they used to, ever since that rooster came into our yard."
Posted by Rob at 10/03/2009 11:26:00 PM 1 comments
Well Dan, if you still have any interest in participating in the demise of small animals, you could always move out to the country and raise some chickens. This week saw the end of our surplus rooster population, i.e., 9 out of 10 roosters. It was an interesting experience. While certainly not pleasant, it's not as bad as you might think either. If done properly it's quick and relatively peaceful.
It's surprising how illuminating this experience (along with the joys and frustrations of a big garden) has been in terms of understanding the Bible. I constantly tell my students that we need to understand the context of the original audience in order to better understand the Bible. It's a little less of a stretch now to contemplate the sacrificing of animals or the despair of a locust invasion.
All in all, I recommend the chicken experience to those with the room and the zoning ability. Also, if anyone has some old family recipes calling for chicken with a few feathers still stuck in them, let me know. (Plucking a chicken is harder than you might think.)
Posted by Joshua at 10/03/2009 12:46:00 PM 3 comments
1) Is this blog dead? Am I the only one who follows it? Is there a twitter page now instead?
Posted by Mazzucco at 10/02/2009 09:02:00 PM 5 comments