Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Softball, It Is

Hillary and I wanted to let all of you know that, unfortunately, our first born child will most likely not be playing for the Cleveland Indians.  However, we are EXTREMELY happy to announce that we will be blessed with a little girl in March.  

I know that most of you have been through this procedure before, sometimes multiple times, but for us, seeing the ultrasound and all of the tiny details it revealed was amazing.  Our little girl was quite feisty, punching and rolling around, but eventually the nurse was able to take pictures of all of her important parts.  

Reflecting the obstinancy of both of her parents, she turned face down when it was time for her profile shot and steadfastly remained there.  So if anyone would like to see a beautiful picture of our daughter's spine, we would be happy to oblige.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Wrong blog

Oops. I wasn't paying attention and accidentally posted about Amanda's first Girl Scout meeting on this blog. I deleted it, but if you follow this blog it will still show up as a post. In case you were wondering...

Dartmouth Homecoming Shenanigans

I somehow got on the eDartmouth mailing list and was reading up on the typical Dartmouth student behavior during Homecoming when I came upon this paragraph.

"No arrests were made at Saturday’s homecoming football game, although one student chose to “rush the field” apart from the planned field rushing, Kinne said. Six students rushed the field during last year’s game, but no arrests have been made for rushing the field since 2006.

All Class of 2012 students were once again invited onto the field during halftime, a tradition which began last year to discourage students from rushing the field illegally."

I dunno what disturbs me more...that there's a "planned, legal" time for 'shmen to rush the field or that you can call something a tradition if it's only been done for two years.

I am pretty impressed that people still "illegally" rush the field somehow.

Go Mazzucco!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sports Fan

Go Phillies and the Flyin Hawaiian!

Go Overachieving Browns (even though you busted my bracket)!!!

Prayin for lotsa family members. Love you all!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Following Blogs

Did anyone else notice this option on the Blogger dashboard? Dan, I think you can use this to see what I'm posting over at Our Home On the Range. Just add it. Let me know if it works.

I've added a bunch, including this blog, but I kept it private so people couldn't trace back to a blog that has our names in it. (Kristin, your blog isn't set up for feeds, so I couldn't follow it yet.)

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Christmas Memories

Below is an advertisement from the magazine we receive free as members of an electricity cooperative:

Do cherished memories of past Christmas seasons make this holiday extra special for you? If so, perhaps you would like to share some of them with other Kansas Country Living readers.

In our December issue, we plan to print several of the best stories about Christmas submitted by our readers.

If you would like to participate, simply include your name and electric cooperative with your story. Please restrict the length to 250 words and mail it by November 1st.

If your story is printed, we will award you with the 2008 Willie Wiredhand Holiday Ornament:

I've left off the address because we don't want all of you to write competing stories and decrease our own chances of winning this fabulous prize.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Who is this BLD wannabe?

I was looking through some old photos yesterday that my mom recently gave to me and came across this one. Who is the BLD imposter on the left?

By the way, Rob, your hair is almost as cool as my t-shirt tucked into my jeans.