Saturday, July 28, 2007

Cheating Tips

(I should begin by offering my belated congratulations to Kristin and family.)

Now, in case any of you are planning on taking some classes in the future, or if you want to get started compiling advice for generation BLD 2.0, here's a few tips on cheating in college.

1. Do not plagarize any paper or article that can be located using Google.
2. If you are slapping together a paper from a bunch of different plagarized sources make sure they are about the same topic and take more or less a consistent position on it.
3. Pick papers or articles that use language an undergraduate might possibly understand.
4. Finally, don't plagarize your paper from sources the professor himself posted on Blackboard for you to read.

Really, the only way to successfully cheat is to pay a friend or an online database for a good undergraduate paper. The amonut of time and skill necessary to construct a workable paper from online plagarized sources is greater than the time and skill necessary to write a good original paper.

Ahh, the joys of teaching.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Joseph Wallace Porter

Hi All,

I just wanted to let you know about Jay's and my little one, Joe. He arrived yesterday at 8:50 am weighing 8 lb 9 oz and is 21 inches long. He's not chubby, but he is big. His shoulders are broad and his hands and feet are gigantic. We love him very much and find him completely entertaining. I can't get over how much he looks like Jay.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Kristin, this will make you feel better

Kevin, we look like we're 12.

(click on these, and they should open up in a bigger window)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Good thing I avoided the Castor Oil

While I was tempted by Dan and Betsey's success, I was also a bit afraid. I guess it's a good thing, since they determined that our baby is now weighing in at 91/2 pounds. They won't induce me with him that big, so we are scheduled for a C-section tomorrow morning. I'm pretty bummed out about this, but trying to stay positive. I wish that they had measured him last week instead of just letting me go post-dates, but hindsight and wishful thinking won't get me much.
So, focusing on positive things: today is my last day pregnant!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Dan, really?

As I sit her pondering explosion, I remember the following remark on Dan's post about Benjamin's birth: "Castor oil, curse or blessing"
Question: did you really try this?
I'll admit to being skeptical.

But, I'd enjoy a story about it, if there is one, while I wait. and wait.
and wait.