Hello out there in BLD land. I haven't posted anything in many moons, so it's good to be back. I had been waiting for something newsworthy to break my silence, and it's finally happened. Hold your breath for this one.... I got a job.
Your's truly is now a visiting assistant professor of theology at Newman University here in Wichita. I adjuncted a couple of classes there this semester, and I'll be starting full time in the fall. We're pretty excited to have an opportunity for me to work in theology that is actually close to family. At present it's a one year appointment, but there's a real possibility it could turn into a longer term deal after that.
In other news, I finally sent a draft of the final major section of the dissertation to my advisor, so it looks like the defense will finally take place next semester. We are also making a small move from the apartment to a little house nearby. It's still a rental, since we don't know for sure that we'll stay here yet. Nevertheless, we are excited about the prospect of a yard, garage and no loud-music, door slamming, late night arguing, punk neighbors living above us.
Anyways, looking forward to seeing people in a few weeks for the big hitchin'. Hopefully we won't be struck by mysterious fevers this time and will get a chance to actually catch up with folks. That is all.