Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Shannon's idea

The Mazzuccos like Shannon's idea of renting a condo/house for the reunion.

We're up for getting one for a few days, or for up to a week (if you have to rent by the week). We're also up for getting our own place, or for getting a bigger place where more folks can fit (preferable for the kids, so we aren't all cooped up in our own places while they nap).

Anyway, if others can give me a sense of their interest/availability levels, I'll start looking into options. If no one else is interested, we'll cry instead (as the song goes).

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Do not touch or talk to the baby

I was home last weekend for my sister's college graduation (yay!) and Reva suddenly developed a fear of strange places, noise and basically anyone that wasn't me. It was a long weekend because (as was expected at a big family gathering) people wanted to hug me and that meant getting close to Reva who pretty much cried every time. She also cried if I put her down or stepped from the table to the sink (one step away) while she was in the high chair. She refused to eat more than a few spoonfuls, so we reverted to nearly 100% nursing. And she refused to sleep when there was anyone around. Since her bedtime is usually between 7 and 8 and the graduation didn't even start until 7:30 pm, she didn't sleep enough and became even more grouchy.

It was so frustrating for me I swore I was going to skip the Hurst wedding. But I was very sad because I wanted to see everyone. I started to forget how horrible the weekend was and remember that it was nice to visit and to see my sister graduate. The rest of the ceremony was really very boring anyway, so it was actually a good thing I spent it wandering the hallway with Reva in the carrier.

And now I see Adin is attending, and I can't miss seeing her. So Reva and I are coming as originally planned.

This is just a warning that you should not expect her to be sociable.

p.s. You would be amazed how many perfect strangers would come up to Reva and touch her. What is up with these people? Do they not respect a baby's personal space?

p.p.s. None of you are perfect strangers and will actually be allowed to touch and talk to the baby if you so chose. Just don't be too hurt if she seems to reject you. She'll learn soon how wonderful you all are.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Long time, no blog

Hello out there in BLD land. I haven't posted anything in many moons, so it's good to be back. I had been waiting for something newsworthy to break my silence, and it's finally happened. Hold your breath for this one.... I got a job.

Your's truly is now a visiting assistant professor of theology at Newman University here in Wichita. I adjuncted a couple of classes there this semester, and I'll be starting full time in the fall. We're pretty excited to have an opportunity for me to work in theology that is actually close to family. At present it's a one year appointment, but there's a real possibility it could turn into a longer term deal after that.

In other news, I finally sent a draft of the final major section of the dissertation to my advisor, so it looks like the defense will finally take place next semester. We are also making a small move from the apartment to a little house nearby. It's still a rental, since we don't know for sure that we'll stay here yet. Nevertheless, we are excited about the prospect of a yard, garage and no loud-music, door slamming, late night arguing, punk neighbors living above us.

Anyways, looking forward to seeing people in a few weeks for the big hitchin'. Hopefully we won't be struck by mysterious fevers this time and will get a chance to actually catch up with folks. That is all.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

10 year reunion

I know it seems like a long way off, but our 10 year reunion (for classes of '97, '98, and '99) is next June. My sister and I are planning to rent a house or condo for the week so that our families can vacation together, and we have wrangled our little sister and some of her friends into coming up to babysit so that we can enjoy all the reunion festivities. We haven't booked anything for sure yet, but are leaning towards a house or condo in Quechee Lakes. I think a bunch of my sister's friends are planning to stay there as well, and it would be a blast if a bunch of BLDers did the same thing.

Quechee Lakes has a lake an indoor and outdoor pool (I am guessing it will still be too chilly for swimming outdoors), tennis courts, golf, boating, playgrounds, etc, etc. Check out www.quecheelakesrentals.com if you are interested.

Jonny Rand grows up

I can't believe our little Jonny is getting married in 3 weeks. Craziness.

We are very excited about the wedding. The whole Walsh family will be headed to Cincinnati, arriving Thursday and leaving Sunday. We have reservations at both the Holiday Inn and the Hampton Inn, but I think we are going to cancel the Holiday Inn.

You all know that I have a serious need to be in the know, and here is what I know:
Walsh, Mazzucco, Slack, Papsdorf families or parts thereof will be present
Everyone else, I don't know if you are coming or what your plans are, and again, I really like to be in the know, so spill.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Happy May Day!

I just wanted to post something for May.

Jon, we mailed our reply for the wedding today. Caleb's not going to come. We didn't know how he'd handle the late nights (7 is getting late for our 3 year old), so he's staying with my folks for the weekend. That way, we only have to worry about Reva having a bad time, but I can always walk her around in some quieter place for a while for her to fall asleep. We still need to make hotel reservations I think. Where are the rest of the BLD crowd staying? I know at least one hotel is booked.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone!