Tuesday, January 24, 2006

"a guy Neal has in his office"

Spectacular, Jon. At least they spelled your name right.
Hopefully it doesn't cause too much of a stir. Anyone who has the smallest amount of sense about how a small business works could understand you working for someone who is suspended. Neal could be an illiterate pig farmer who never had an agent's license... he can still own the company, and you can do the agent-ing.

The Globe was just looking for news since they were not prepared to have the Patriots not playing football this week.

Besides, you couldn't possibly be worse than Rosenhous. Now the NFL Network is doing commercials making fun of him.

Anyway, I'm bored and trying to find a new job. If I start a company, I'm still going to try to call it BLD. I will probably need a CEO, laywer, salesman, agent, and at least one theologian. And I might hire a socialist and a doctor as consultants. Anyone know any?


P.S. BLD New Year's in Figi, 2006. It's only a 23 hour canoe ride for Adin.

Monday, January 23, 2006


Thanks, Doug. I was going to email that out this morning for everyone's entertainment. Actually I still might since a lot of people don't check this very often. Hopefully that article is a good sign that I am not going to be disciplined - that was my focus last week in responding to this whole mess. We'll see what happens. Talk to you all soon.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Show Hurst the money

It's always cool to see a BLDer's name in print. Follow the link and scroll down to "A suspension of disbelief."

there ain't no motive for this crime

Thursday, January 19, 2006

A little dissertation help

So I'm still working on incorporating my Princess Bride reference in the dissertation, but I need to come up with some other examples to go along with it and thought you all might be able to help.

Here's the pertinent passage from my current dissertation draft:

"Second, when viewed from the perspective of the whole of salvation history, Satan is not only deceived when he tries to claim Christ on the cross, in a certain sense Satan was deceived in leading man into sin. For it is the ultimate success of mankind that is the final indictment of Satan, and mankind’s ultimate success was only possible following mankind’s struggle with, and Christ’s conquest of, sin. In Ambrosiaster’s account of salvation history, Satan is like the villain in countless tales who wounds a young innocent and consequently motivates the youth to become the hero who will ultimately defeat him."

So obviously the Princess Bride fits, with Count Rugen being Satan and Inigo representing mankind. The problem is I'm having trouble thinking of some of the other "countless tales" that follow the same structure. Can anyone think of some other good examples? I would prefer examples from the classics or classic literature. So far the only other examples Jill and I can think of are all from movies or recent kid's books (Batman, Harry Potter, etc.). While I've enjoyed those works, I'm trying to avoid giving the impression that my cultural knowledge is limited to the last decade or so.

Any ideas?


I wonder if we'll hear from the BLD Blog Creator again before next New Years?

How is everything going out in BLD land? I thought I would share some amusing correspondence between me and Jess Ellsworth yesterday. I don't know what I was thinking, but it sure was funny.

> Dear Jessica Ellsworth, Esquire,

> You should have come to New Years in Richmond. You were missed.

> And Lincoln was there with his boyfriend, so I think he was a

> little more toned down than usual.

> Anyway, I hope you had a splendid holiday season. How are

> things going?

> Jonathan

-----Original Message-----

From: Jessica L. Ellsworth 98 [mailto:Jessica.L.Ellsworth.98@Alum.Dartmouth.ORG]

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 2:57 PM

To: "Jonathan R. Hurst"

Subject: Re:

More to follow, but do you know something about Lincoln that I don't know?!? Has he been watching too much Brokeback Mountain?!?

I heard you brought a girlfriend as well. Very interesting developments...

----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan R. Hurst [mailto:jhurst59@sbcglobal.net]
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 3:02 PM
To: 'Jessica L. Ellsworth 98'
Subject: RE:


Oh that gave me a good laugh.

I have no idea why I wrote boyfriend or didn't catch it before I sent it.

Oh goodness, that made my afternoon.

Hope you are well and talk to you soon.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I'm very jealous that I missed a good time...a very good time.
Also, I'm jealous that I missed a taboo game. Lincoln's clapboard question did remind me of Taboo..it's a board that claps. Or (Doug, close your eyes)...it's a bag with pipes....

my list


  1. Winning Family Business
  2. Winning rock, paper, scissors against Shan so that I could use the Purple Gang
  3. playing various games of darts on Kevin's surprisingly sturdy $15 dartboard from Target
  4. going on a morning run with Dan, Rob, and Laura
  5. Hillary enjoying herself and not running away after meeting the BLD
  6. hillary bonding with Laura and Devon, and talking a lot with shan and jill
  7. discussing dental hygiene (and learning a great deal from betsy) for a half hour with all women. and christian.
  8. passing my cell phone around for about an hour after adin called
  9. getting to know chad, devon, and laura
  10. getting invited to the "big girl" room by mary grace, then playing "swiper NO swiping" game for at least a half hour
  11. pretending that i am playing blocks with one of the kids, but really just building my own stuff because it's fun
  12. making plans to buy my own building blocks
  13. playing the "aidan knock it down?" game
  14. eating (devouring) shan's hors doeuvres
  15. watching amanda slack walk off in her princess outfit to three weddings in one day
  16. meeting christian
  17. laughing at kevin's jokes that aren't funny
  18. talking to doug and josh about "god of war" and other video games
  19. playing bocci ball
  20. seeing that jason agreed to come back for a second BLD new year

  1. Getting 2 points on my first round of Taboo
  2. Playing a miserable game of pong with Rob (sorry Fasani)
  3. not watching the Princess Bride (this pains me to write)
  4. not seeing kristin, adin, or tommy inglesby
  5. trying to drink bud light fast in pong. failing.
  6. drinking bud light at all

Papsdorf Favorite Things about New Years

- I can't speak for him. He'll have to write his own blog.

1. Shannon's fantastic mint chocolate chip cookies
2. The game of Taboo where a dental hygiene conversation scored many points.
3. The same game of Taboo where we guessed Betsy loves her dentist, but no one suggested Dan. (I'm sure he would have been the next guess.)
4. being able to stand in the dining room to watch Pong without going in the cold
5. hanging out with Hilary, Laura and Tiffany's family (and everyone else, too)
6. sleeping in with Caleb until 9 am (what was wrong with that kid?)
7. watching Caleb play with Mary Grace, Aidan, Wesley, Amanda & Caitlyn (Christian didn't do much playing. He mostly slept.)
8. hearing the old stories all over again
9. catching up with everyone, even the people who don't post on the blog that much
10. not hearing Lincoln's snoring

1. watching The Lord of the Beans with Aidan
2. watching Sumo of the Opera (twice) while Mom and Dad went to church
3. running around like crazy with Mary Grace
4. minosaurs in the bathtub (dinosaurs, for those of you who don't speak toddlerese)
5. learning Mom and Dad have names (Jill and Josh). (We're still working on teaching Caleb that while we have names, we don't necessarily want him to use them.)
6. the bus at the park

suggestions for next year
1. take a group picture
2. watch The Princess Bride
3. choose the next location soon so maybe Adin could use frequent flyer miles to join us
4. Anne and Kristin should come. (We love you Doug, but we missed Anne.)
5. more babies. Christian was such a darling. Surely he convinced some of you to wait no longer!

Monday, January 09, 2006

What happened at New Years

The highlights of new years for me were:
1) getting to know Hillary, Chad, and Laura, the new years' eve rookies
2) hanging out with the kids (even though Caleb didn't even pretend to like me)
3) not playing "Imagine If..."
4) the book of questions
5) sleeping in until 6:00

Lowlights included
1) Being dominated by Doug and Josh in pong
2) Being crushed in family business by Ma Barker
3) the book of questions
4) not watching the Princess Bride
5) Dick Clark

There may have been other highlights and lowlights that I don't recall.

Clapboard and more details request

Lincoln, I actually think it's called a clapboard. No shit. http://images.google.com/images?q=clapboard&hl=en&lr=&rls=GGLD,GGLD:2005-18,GGLD:en&sa=N&tab=ii&oi=imagest

Anyway, can someone please give those of us (me) who were unable to attend New Year's...sigh...a play by play.

And, curses to you, Doug. I got all excited and thought that someone had actually posted a picture of beautiful MG and I could see her and enjoy watching her do something so totally cute. Who wants to see a stupid real lion, when I could see her smiling face instead?

Hope all is well. I've missed you all...you've been quiet since you saw one another. Spill the gossip. Who's lost hair?

Sunday, January 08, 2006

That's better

Finally figured out how to get this template working with the sidebar again. Turns out it was Blogger's doing. If you're curious, check out their layout solution.

New Year's was a blast. Kevin, Shan & MG were consummate hosts and it was amazing to see the 2nd generation of the BLD running around.

breaking my back just to know your name