For Pink Loving Jonathan
I've been meaning to tell you, your pink room should get together with our all pink bathroom.
They could have a "short timing" it I think that our pink bathroom will be going the way of your pink room soon.
a gathering spot for BLDers
I've been meaning to tell you, your pink room should get together with our all pink bathroom.
They could have a "short timing" it I think that our pink bathroom will be going the way of your pink room soon.
Posted by
9/28/2005 09:20:00 PM
I'm a mess since they screwed with the schedule. I have Boston Legal on Tuesday and now Nip Tuck is on at the SAME TIME (which stinks because I like them both). Then, on Wed. there is Lost. And, I'm totally screwed on Thursday because Joey, Alias, and OC are all on at the same time and I only have two TVs and only 1 has a VCR.
Will Tevo let you record more than one show that's on at the same time? If so, I think I may have to invest. Otherwise, my life is WAY more complicated than I can handle.
Oh, and I'm supposed to be studying while all of this craziness is going on.
AND THERE'S ROME--anyone else watching that??
Posted by
9/28/2005 09:15:00 PM
Hi Dan,
We're glad to have you blogging with us. Sorry you have been alone for 6 days...alas, that's the trend. Please take lots of pictures during your visits. I like to see pictures...and please share them when you get them. I like to see how BLD Gen 2 is progressing.
Well, back to studying for me.
Posted by
9/28/2005 09:11:00 PM
It's good to hear from Kristin. I'm glad you guys were not scathed by Katrina.
Jon, sorry to hear that you were scathed by Anne Marie.
I will try to follow the blog on occasion. I'm sure you'll rise to the occasion this year with Neil on the bench, Jon.
I'm going to visit the Walshes and Willis in two weeks. If they check this blog, they'll know we're coming before we get there.
Posted by
9/21/2005 08:18:00 PM
Jon, good for you. That's quite an accomplishment. My crazy dad took up marathoning and has run one a year for 3 years now. It's quite an event. To run half is an accomplishment of giantic proportions too.
My vote for all time best reality show: Paradise Hotel
Posted by
9/12/2005 09:07:00 PM
So I finished the half marathon yesterday. Now I have even more respect for the fact that Dan (and countless others) finished a whole marathon. I would definitely have to run at a slower pace to have a chance of finishing a marathon. I did the half in 1:37.59 so I was averaging 7:28/ mile. I was feeling great for about 10 miles. Then I died. The last three miles were not fun. Here's the link to results: Be sure you check out where one "anne marie sheeran" finished. ha ha.
No, I never watched Becker, Kristin. It's actually good? I really just assumed it was not a good show, but I'll have to give it a chance. I'm looking forward to stupid TV shows starting up again. Yes, I watch the OC. I also watch Survivor, and just about any other insipid reality shows on TV. Of course, with the Indians rolling, I watch baseball all the time too.
Hope you all have a good week. Talk to you soon.
Posted by
9/12/2005 08:57:00 AM
Have you ever watched Becker? Anyway, his assistant, Linda, dated twins and they both knew about it because she liked them both for different reasons. It was funny how it worked out, because she really went on dates with both of them (in parallel, I guess)...not the kind of serial dating that most people do. Anyway, it can be done. I love that show, by the way and wish that I had known/been at a point where I could have liked it when it was on, because maybe it would have stayed on the air. Speaking of which, what are you watching lately? The OC comes back on tomorrow and I'm looking forward to that. I think that I watch more TV than most med students, but oh well, I like TV.
I'll be cheering for you for your half marathon. You will kick Ann Marie's (I cannot remember her name for the life of me--glad that you kicked her to the curb because that would have been tough to always be confused on that one...and there is NOTHING WRONG with a little revisionist history) butt because there is no other option.
Things here are good. Just wondering how your football season is going. I've been doing my usual recruiting for you at AL games. Tyrone Prothro would be my vote for the AL pick of the year. He's awesome. A utility player whom I'm convinced could play every offensive position but lineman. He's also on special teams and probably the fastest player that we have. Our defensive line is spectacular too. I would probably vote for #19, Castille, I think he's awesome. Anyway, let me know if you want to take a recruiting trip--we have a guest room and tickets to the games. I would get a total kick out of hosting you here.
That goes for everyone.
Miss you!
Posted by
9/07/2005 08:25:00 PM
How are you two doing? Things are going pretty well here. I took last Friday off, so I enjoyed a four-day weekend. Considering I haven't had a week vacation since last August, it was nice to get a little time off.
I am running my half-marathon this Sunday. I have two goals. 1) run the whole thing at a consistent pace and finish with a respectable time; and 2) kick the crap out of anne marie. gosh, I better not lose to her.
The house is still coming along. I need to send pictures. I should have taken a picture of the all-pink room before I started working on it. Oh well. Suffice it to say it was horrendous. Keriann's boyfriend just commenced building my bar for the basement, so I'm excited about that.
Hope all is well with you. Talk to you soon.
Posted by
9/07/2005 08:08:00 AM