I wish I were in VA, but don't tell my mom.
Miss you guys.
a gathering spot for BLDers
I wish I were in VA, but don't tell my mom.
Miss you guys.
Posted by
12/31/2005 01:16:00 PM
Should we even consider not having a pong table at New Year's?
I confess that the thought has crossed my mind. But that is only because I don't know where everybody is going to sleep. But that is not a major concern, at least to me.
The pong table will be outside. There is no way to get it in the garage. So, bring your outside game. That is all.
Posted by
12/27/2005 08:48:00 PM
that no reference to my pong skills was made in lincoln's last post. i mean, what is going on here.
Posted by
12/27/2005 09:09:00 AM
I love the smell of chlorine in the morning!
Shhh... Don't tel Devon, she think I'm smarte.
Posted by
12/22/2005 12:38:00 PM
The number of Christmas cards being distributed this year is really embarassing for me. With each new one I receive in the mail, I feel more like more of a loser for not sending any out. I'd like to use the excuse that I have a new baby, or multiple kids, or a wife, or even a dog, occupying my time. But for obvious reasons none of those will work. Probably not for a long time. Dammit.
On a better note, so far I am still good to go for New Years. AND, Hillary is still good to go on joining me. So hopefully that remains the case for the next couple weeks. See you all very soon. Have a Merry Christmas.
Posted by
12/19/2005 03:03:00 PM
Following in the illustrious academic footsteps of Dan Mazzucco, I am including a Princess Bride reference in a draft of my current dissertation section. Who knows, if it makes the cut it might someday be published in a book that 20 or 30 people might actually buy. Exciting stuff.
P.S. See the preceding blog entries for further evidence of the ill effects of chlorine vapors. Apparently inhaling them in strong enough doses can warp your mental state into that of a Fasani.
Posted by
12/13/2005 12:38:00 PM
Thanks for that walk down memory lane Jon. I had fun thinking about all the times my brothers and I played games like that. There's a certain sophistication in fraternal bonding that I don't think most people understand. Unless you have a brother and are a brother. Good times...
Posted by
12/12/2005 06:07:00 PM
well i didn't send a mass text message to everyone in my phone. i don't know how to do that. (can you do that?) so i sent individual texts one at a time. i don't know if that makes you feel any more special dan. i'm certainly no aidan.
my brother and i played a very fun game yesterday while out searching with my parents for a christmas tree. we stood about 50 feet apart and took turns throwing hard-packed snow balls at each other. you could not move unless it was going to be a direct hit in the head or crotch. this high brow game of complicated rules amused us for at least 20 minutes, and i probably could have played for another hour if we didn't have to go cut down a tree.
Posted by
12/12/2005 10:37:00 AM
I think that Doug should be beaten for not making us his first priority, esp. since he's the only one who knows how to do anything technical to this blog. For that, he deserves a second beating. I will line up first and then whomever wants to get in on this, feel free to line up behind me.
Posted by
12/11/2005 03:10:00 PM
My printer is doing very strange things and I need to print some photos ASAP.
I might not get to fixing the format until tomorrow...
Posted by
12/10/2005 04:58:00 PM
I was messing around with adding some things, like the "Contributors" list and archive links, and it looks like I accidentally overwrote the blog template with one of the samples.
I don't feel like staying up any longer to fix this now, so you're stuck with this color scheme until tomorrow.
Posted by
12/09/2005 11:58:00 PM
But then I realized he sent a mass text message to everyone in his phone.
And then I felt small again.
And then Aidan took his diaper off in his crib and pooped all over it so I would have to clean it up.
And then I realized that at I may not be important to Jon the big sports agent, but least I'm important to Aidan.
Posted by
12/09/2005 10:14:00 PM
Was me. Hmmm.... If Modee didn't know I was texting her, I can only assume that my number is not labeled as "Jonathan", "Hursty", or "Coolest Guy Ever" in her phone. That is disappointing.
Posted by
12/08/2005 08:45:00 AM
Josh can ridicule Hurst all he wants (and we know he does), but it's all true. I donated my first full brain to Ernie, my favorite monkey and am now trying to get used to my second brain. The funny part is that despite all of the new "room" in my second brain, it seems to have a lot less motivation for important things. For example, I much prefer reading People online and learning as many worthless facts about celebrities than learning worthless facts about enzymes. I think that I may mail this whole science thing in and join the paparazzi. My first target would be the famous Mo Dee (who, by the way, is still trying to figure out who text messaged her on Thanksgiving. If it was you, don't tell her because I took the credit).
I think that I have plenty of time for instant messaging since I don't do anything that I'm supposed to be doing. I'll try to figure it out. My latest hobby, though, has been spying on my sister-in-law via Facebook and the pictures her friends at Colby post. Oh, and wishing that I were still in College.
Posted by
12/07/2005 12:40:00 PM
Catching Kringle
I got a link from Adam Himoff '98 to his movie that he made. It's really quite good and I enjoyed it a lot. The director, executive producers, and most of the screenplay are by fellow '98s (I'm pretty sure). Check it out - it's about 15min long.
Posted by
12/06/2005 01:30:00 PM
Hursty, I think you might be inhaling just a bit too much of the old chlorine vapors. That's pretty much the most messed-up dream I've ever heard of.
Speaking of messed up, you should all try spending your days reading 1600 year old Latin written by a guy who wasn't a native Latin speaker and consequently has a truly bizarre vocabulary. Good times.
Posted by
12/05/2005 04:49:00 PM
Congrats on the two offers. I think you should definitely go to Chicago, although I assume that your highest priority is "proximity to Jonathan Hurst" so that is probably where you will end up anyway.
I had a busy weekend. Saturday I was at high school swim meets all day. My team is so big this year, I split them up into junior varsity and varsity teams. But at least that way, everyone had an opportunity to swim. Unfortunately, that also meant I was at meets from 8:30 AM until about 8:30 PM. I was so tired, I couldn't even make it through "Beauty & the Beast" without falling asleep that night. I'm a pretty cool guy.
Then Sunday I ate pancakes at IHOP (critical information for all of you), had a snowball fight with Hillary (I won), and traveled to Pittsburgh for a 311 concert (which was pretty good). Now I am at "work" quite tired and not really motivated. You guys should all be on instant messenger during the day to provide me with additional distractions.
Finally, I had a really bizarre dream last night. Apparently, Kristin Kelly was born with two brains. When she was about five, her head wasn't big enough to hold the two brains, so they had to remove one. But they kept it. Then my dream fast forwarded to present day. Kristin's brain was full, so she wanted her other brain back. But she was complaining to me because she really liked the one she had, and her old brain had been put into a monkey (which apparently was why she was studying monkeys for a while). I am hoping that none of this is true.
Posted by
12/05/2005 10:22:00 AM
I was just watching TV and saw a commercial for the cholesterol reducing drug Crestor from AstraZeneca. I've seen the commercial many times before, but this time something was different. I noticed that the spokeman looked familiar. And then I realized why...
Hello! My name is Mandy Patinkin. Take Crestor for cholestorol or prepare to die!
Posted by
12/04/2005 09:47:00 PM
So I was in Chicago last week. E&J Gallo offered to fly me out to have dinner with the CEO, Joe Gallo, and I couldn't refuse the opportunity. Joe, his wife, the CFO, and all other candidates with offers were there (most of the candidates hail from either Kellogg or UChicago). It was pretty cool. The wine was good...
While I was there, I got a call from Intel informing me that I received an offer for the Folsom site (suburb of Sacramento). I now have the not so easy task of trying to decide which offer to take. Devon and I are trying to figure out what's most important, why, and by how much do we value it.
Oh, and I have officially lost motivation to work hard in class for the rest of the school year. Here's to working hard on my golf game!
I hope everyone had a great weekend. Except Lincoln. He smells...
Posted by
12/04/2005 08:12:00 PM
Devon and I just got our tickets today. We are officially attending the VA BLD New Year's 2006 Celebration. It looks like there will be a good turnout too. We're excited to get to see everyone again - Devon hasn't seen some of you since the wedding and others since CA BLD New Year's 2003. Wow...
Can I just say that I'm VERY happy we're not traveling with children? I guess I just did.
I suppose that's all for my first post. Wait, I do have some other info:
I have one job offer from E&J Gallo in Modesto, CA and am waiting for the results from Intel in Sacramento, CA on Wednesday. We'll see what happens. If I remember, I'll keep posting with updates. I should have a pretty good idea of where Devon and I will be by time we see you in VA.
Thanks for the study break!
Posted by
11/28/2005 05:08:00 PM
Hi All,
Here's hoping that your holiday went well. Maurissa, you in particular, were on my mind. I hope that the family turkey day went well.
Posted by
11/28/2005 10:41:00 AM
i put a bunch of pictures that i have in a photo album on facebook. quite a few of you are in them from various weddings. or at least doug's wedding. if you aren't on facebook, it only takes 2 seconds to join it (just use your dartmouth email address).
Posted by
11/18/2005 10:23:00 AM
Well I must be exaggerating on this blog, or else my stories are getting lost in translation. there was only one abrupt departure, and that was anne marie. i wish it had something to do with my parents living 2 doors down, because at least that would have been an explanation. but unfortunately that had nothing to do with it. now that i have met hillary, i could care less anyway.
the being close to my parents thing has really be a non-issue. my parents don't come to my house unless invited. they are super cool about it. so it really just ends up being convenient for me - when i need something they are close by. when i don't, they might as well be in another state.
as far as when that tidbit is introduced, pretty early i guess. they might as well know. i have nothing to hide, and it's not a momma's boy attachment issue or anything. hillary has no problem with it, which is really all that matters. the only issue that ever comes up has to do with my brother, not my parents. he kind of likes to hang out in my house, and pretty much does whenever he feels like it. so we've set some new "ground rules" recently, and things have been cool.
ok, this is a really long post with basically nothing of substance. hope all are well. sorry about the 'bama loss kristin. that must have sucked.
Posted by
11/14/2005 09:53:00 AM
I just put together that Jon lives two doors down from his parents. How's that work out? Also, at what point do you tell the women that you date that little tidbit? That may explain some of the very abrupt departures. Not that that's a knock against your folks, whom I like very much. But, cozy is cozy. My in-laws used to live 0.25 miles away and now they live 3 miles away...and it's cozy.
And, I'll sell you a crackerjack decoder ring if you need it.
Posted by
11/12/2005 10:08:00 AM
(at least Jonathan will understand...big day, big day. And what do I have? I stinkin exam. 40 yard line tickets and a frickin exam at the same time. Alas, I'll be cheering during the exam)
Posted by
11/12/2005 10:02:00 AM
Okay, fine, since you made me, I'll tell you my best halloween story (the one after Coal figuring out that there was food in the bowl). Anyway, my neighbors across the street are selling their house and I've been taking their dog when they have open houses...I asked if their son (Woody) who dressed up like Buzz lightyear...no joke...would tricker treat in our neighborhood. They said that they were going over to their family's neighborhood but that he'd stop by our house.
Anyway, I was running behind and didn't get our porch light on until ~6 o'clock, maybe a bit after (which, I've come to realize is really late in kid time) and he came right over (like his butt was attached to my light switch or something) and said, "Thank you for turning your light on for me. I want to watch the Steelers, but my parents said I have to come over here". The kid is 4.
Posted by
11/12/2005 09:57:00 AM
Hi Dan,
I see that Jill is faster on the draw than I am (even when she's sick), but you could use Ofoto too.
Posted by
11/12/2005 09:53:00 AM
I think the next person to join will be that one girl, what was her name - Wendy? If I recall, she actually sent out an email asking to be removed from the BLD list. hahahahah.
On Halloween, I didn't really dress up. But I did put a sign up on the door of my house that said, go two doors down, with a big arrow on it. Then I hung out with my parents and passed out candy with them. One kid in particular was hilarious. He couldn't have been older than 4 or 5 and was dressed in a Spiderman outfit. I said to him, hey, what's up spiderman? He stopped dead in his tracks, looked shocked, and asked me in a serious voice, "how did you know that????" hahahah, um, good costume? I had no idea how to respond.
I also went to my friend Ty's 30th birthday/ Halloween party. We all dressed as old people. I got a wig and beard and dressed as a longtime Indians fan. It was my pathetic excuse to dress in my Indians playoff gear that I had gotten out when I was confident they were going to make it. Damn the luck.
Ok, that's it for me. Looking forward to seeing most of you at New Years.
Posted by
11/10/2005 09:03:00 AM
Hi folks. Sorry I've been quiet. I was sick with three different infections for 2+ weeks and then had to go to Florida for a conference. But I'm back now and am begining to get back to real life.
Caleb was a dog for Halloween - and that's about all he liked about it. He was scared to go to the doors unless a dog came out to meet him and then he'd cry when we left the doggie behind to go to the next house. Of course, Caleb doesn't eat candy, so there was no incentive. He'll probably like it more next year. I do have some pictures but they're still on the camera. I'll post one on his blog soon and will link to it from here.
For those of you without your own server space - use SNAPFISH. It's easy, it's free, and we can all look at your pictures to our heart's content. You don't have to buy any, just upload them and then share the album with us.
I put that in a comment a while back, but I think only Doug reads the comments.
Lincoln did comment on one of Caleb's posts. You should all go read it, because it'll make you laugh.
Posted by
Kansas Mom
11/07/2005 12:42:00 PM
Again, I don't have some kind of fancy web server like Caleb & co. ,so I can't post pictures, but Aidian was in the same lion costume as MG. Wesley was a monkey. Wesley took his first steps today and you didn't.
Happy voting day.
Posted by
11/06/2005 07:47:00 PM
PS. Coal LOVED halloween. It took him about three kids to figure out that I was handing out food.
Posted by
11/06/2005 06:10:00 PM
I'm excited that the blogging ranks are growing. I must say, though, Jill has been very quiet lately.
Not much new here. An exam block this Friday, so I will be reading the Blog site more...
I'm headed to DC next Sunday for a conference for about 30 hours. It will be a whirlwind: 3 exams on Friday, one on Saturday, the conference Sunday to Tuesday and a quiz Tues. afternoon.
But, I'll admit, the big test that I'm interested in is how Bama will fare against LSU. I'm afraid of their quarterback. He's too big. Quaterbacks aren't supposed to be bigger than their lineman. It's very frightening.
Okee dokee,
I'm off.
Posted by
11/06/2005 06:05:00 PM
Well, it took a couple of tries to remember my user id and password, but now I can rejoin the ranks of the BLD98 bloggers. The Walsh family is doing well. We are adjusting to life with two children.
In answer to Jonathan's question, Mary Grace was a lion for Halloween, and Christian was a newborn. Photographs provided upon request.
JRH, I want the scoop on Hillary. We need to chat.
Posted by
11/05/2005 07:30:00 PM
from BLD land? Surely there are some things of interest going on out there?
Hope everyone had a fun Halloween. What were the costumes of our youngest BLD members? Any pictures???
Posted by
11/01/2005 09:25:00 AM
I guess it really didn't go through the first time. My bad. I'm not sure why. Regardless, I'm glad everyone got the Walsh pics and video the second time around.
New York was pretty fun. I slept in a little too much Saturday and Sunday to get everything done that I wanted to do, but that's ok. I can always go back again. My friend Abby lives on W. 122nd in Manhattan, right by Columbia. We got in pretty late that night, so we just went out to dinner at a cool French restaurant by the University and then hung out for a bit.
Saturday Hillary and I took the subway to Times Square and walked around a bit. Then we went to the Empire State Building, which was fun but freezing cold at the top. After that, we walked all around on 5th avenue. Of course, I had Hillary take my picture in front of Trump Tower, seeing as I am obsessed with the Apprentice. We also stopped by FAO Schwartz toy store and danced on the piano from the movie Big.
Saturday we toured the streets of Soho for a while - very cool. I could have spent more time there. Then we went to Chinatown which was also fun. After eating, it was time to go. So I still have the Statue of Liberty, numerous museums, Ellis Island, ground zero, etc. to do on a follow-up trip to New York.
That's it from my end. Hope everyone is doing well.
Posted by
10/25/2005 08:15:00 AM
Hi Jon,
I see that you tried to let us know. So, I guess you will survive...this time.
Thanks for the pictures. I'm in love with that little guy.
ps. Dan, I'm working on a way that I can get my hands on your pictures. Perhaps FTP? Doug, help?
Posted by
10/24/2005 06:22:00 PM
I cannot believe you knew about baby Walsh all weekend and didn't even tell me. SHAAAAAAME
I don't care if you were in NYC. You shouldn't have taken on messager responsibility if you couldn't message.
Dog house=you get in it
Posted by
10/24/2005 08:51:00 AM
Hello again!
Kristin, we took pictures, but I don't have server space to post them for you. If you have a way I can post them, I'd be happy to.
Imagine me, smaller, and 2 years old, and you have Aidan. Imagine a gerber 8 month old with flaming orange locks, and you have Wesley. Betsy and I look much the same.
Maurissa, I saw the trailer, and it looks very well-edited! I didn't realize you were the creator of Madagascar and Shrek. I guess it didn't make sense for them to say "From the editor of One Hour Photo...."
I won't be at homecoming, but that's only b/c my home is in New Jersey, and I never want to leave. Except to go to New Year's.
Good night.
Posted by
10/20/2005 08:28:00 PM
I won't be at homecoming - Hillary and I are going to New York City this weekend to visit our mutual friend Abby. Did I put this in a previous post? I can't remember and am too lazy to close out of this window and check. Regardless, it should be fun. The only times I have been to New York City were for DCFL at the Waldorff and for Kevin's bachelor party (of which I do not remember all that much).
Hope everyone is doing well. At least the White Sox have made it to the World Series, taking some of the sting out of the fact that they knocked the Indians out of the playoffs.
Posted by
10/20/2005 08:00:00 AM
I won't be at homecoming, but I will be waiting to hear about Baby Walsh. If anyone hears anything you are bound to let us all know.
Do it!
Posted by
10/18/2005 10:28:00 AM
I'm off to learn how to do a male GU exam in about twenty minutes. I'm nervous and not really interested in palpating and probing a strange man. The book says that an erection is not at all uncommon and that we should reassure him that it is a normal reaction. I think that I'm more likely to run away. Anyway, that's what's new with me.
Of course, it also doesn't help that I have to get dressed up, it's a Friday evening from 5:30-6:30 and I can't get Business time by the Flight of the Conchordes (soooo funny) out of my head: http://www.defectiveyeti.com/archives/001315.html
Posted by
10/14/2005 04:16:00 PM
i self-promote on this blog all the time. although most of my posts are pretty self-deprecating, so i'm not sure that really squares with self-promotion. ANYWAY, not too much to update from Cleveland. the collapse of the indians at the end of the season was pretty devastating. but, on a lighter note, i am still dating hillary. i mean, this is approaching 2 months here, so who knows what could happen. i meet her parents who are visiting tomorrow. yikes.
my house is not progressing at all, mostly on account of laziness, hanging out with hillary, and baseball. now the swim season is about to start, so i don't see too much happening in the next few months either. oh well, at least all my electronics are up and functioning beautifully.
family is good & healthy. work is going well (september & october are typically the slowest months, so that has been nice).
what's new in BLD world???
Posted by
10/14/2005 08:48:00 AM
here's my bit of shameless self promotion for the day...
The movie which I have spent the last (almost) 3 years of my life on, finally has a real trailer. You can see it when you go to "Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Wererabbit", which I highly recommend. Or you can watch it on the web at http://www.overthehedgemovie.com.
This gives you seven months to save up enough money to go see it in the theaters...at least five times each. (And yes, my bonus on the film is determined by box office gross)
Seriously, I just hope you like the trailer and find the characters cute, if not extremely interesting. I really think it's going to be a fun movie when it's all said and done, and it's really exciting for me to see it finally looking like a real movie.
thanks and enjoy!
mo dee
Posted by
10/07/2005 01:29:00 PM
I'm out of the loop for a little while and return to posts from Dan and Maurissa. Amazing. Glad to hear from you guys. Well, glad to hear from Maurissa anyway.
What's new with me. Well, I tivo the OC and VCR Survivor. So Thursdays are not really an issue for me. I've been really behind in my tv watching anyway, what with the Indians basically playing for their lives the last month of the season. How depressing not to make the playoffs. Ok, I'm done. Wait 'til next year.
My house has been neglected. I've just been doing too many other things. The pink room is no longer pink (which is good), but still requires a coat or two of paint, and I'm thinking that replacing the pink carpet I pulled out of there might help as well.
I am dating a lovely lady named Hillary. Things are extremely different with her so far (in a very good way), but lest I jinx yet another relationship, I'll refrain from saying anything more about that for a little bit. We'll see what happens.
Hope all is well with everyone out there in blog land. Are you guys all making plans for New Years?
Posted by
10/05/2005 08:34:00 AM
I know, I never ever ever post on this blog, but I just checked in and have to back up Kristin's TV programming dilemna.
Thursday night at 8pm is a huge problem for me too Kris! I totally missed the season opener of Alias b/c my old school TiVo can only handle one show at a time (and I had The OC ranked one higher than Alias) and I wasn't home to watch the other one in my bedroom.
Anyway, if you get a TiVo nowadays, they are almost all dual tuner - which means you can record one and watch the other all at the same time on the same TV. Or if you're not going to be home, you could record one on your VCR and one with your Tivo (which is what I'm going to have to do).
I'm tempted to change career paths and move into Network Scheduling because this fall's schedule is so terrible. It's like they want their key demographics to suffer by forcing us to choose between our favorite shows. Seriously I think at 8pm on Thursday it's Alias, The OC, Smallville, Survivor and Joey - are you kidding me? And yet I have absolutely nothing to watch Monday and Tuesday at 8pm. Morons. Morons, I tell you!
As usual, I have no input on the baseball season. All I know is that the Cubs are out of the playoffs - and have been for some time - thanks to my beau, I actually know some Cubs players' names too. Yes, miracles can happen.
Okay, that's it, I'm signing off for another five year hiatus.
Oh and good luck with all the pink problems, peeps. I too inherited pink - both my bathrooms are tiled with it - so when ya'll are done ripping out all yours, feel free to pack up the sledgehammers, head west and help me take care of mine.
My best to all of you!!!
Posted by
10/05/2005 01:37:00 AM
Given that I stopped caring about baseball years ago, I no longer feel any allegiance to any one team. So today, in this particular situation, I am rooting for the Yankees against Boston.
By the way, Jon, did you see that absolute BS call in the bottom of 12th on Friday? I couldn't believe that the ump had perfect positioning on the play and still blew the call.
Posted by
10/02/2005 10:36:00 AM
I've been meaning to tell you, your pink room should get together with our all pink bathroom.
They could have a "short timing" it party...as I think that our pink bathroom will be going the way of your pink room soon.
Posted by
9/28/2005 09:20:00 PM
I'm a mess since they screwed with the schedule. I have Boston Legal on Tuesday and now Nip Tuck is on at the SAME TIME (which stinks because I like them both). Then, on Wed. there is Lost. And, I'm totally screwed on Thursday because Joey, Alias, and OC are all on at the same time and I only have two TVs and only 1 has a VCR.
Will Tevo let you record more than one show that's on at the same time? If so, I think I may have to invest. Otherwise, my life is WAY more complicated than I can handle.
Oh, and I'm supposed to be studying while all of this craziness is going on.
AND THERE'S ROME--anyone else watching that??
Posted by
9/28/2005 09:15:00 PM
Hi Dan,
We're glad to have you blogging with us. Sorry you have been alone for 6 days...alas, that's the trend. Please take lots of pictures during your visits. I like to see pictures...and please share them when you get them. I like to see how BLD Gen 2 is progressing.
Well, back to studying for me.
Posted by
9/28/2005 09:11:00 PM
It's good to hear from Kristin. I'm glad you guys were not scathed by Katrina.
Jon, sorry to hear that you were scathed by Anne Marie.
I will try to follow the blog on occasion. I'm sure you'll rise to the occasion this year with Neil on the bench, Jon.
I'm going to visit the Walshes and Willis in two weeks. If they check this blog, they'll know we're coming before we get there.
Posted by
9/21/2005 08:18:00 PM
Jon, good for you. That's quite an accomplishment. My crazy dad took up marathoning and has run one a year for 3 years now. It's quite an event. To run half is an accomplishment of giantic proportions too.
My vote for all time best reality show: Paradise Hotel
Posted by
9/12/2005 09:07:00 PM
So I finished the half marathon yesterday. Now I have even more respect for the fact that Dan (and countless others) finished a whole marathon. I would definitely have to run at a slower pace to have a chance of finishing a marathon. I did the half in 1:37.59 so I was averaging 7:28/ mile. I was feeling great for about 10 miles. Then I died. The last three miles were not fun. Here's the link to results: http://www.doitsports.com/newresults3/top-athletes-gruplus.tcl. Be sure you check out where one "anne marie sheeran" finished. ha ha.
No, I never watched Becker, Kristin. It's actually good? I really just assumed it was not a good show, but I'll have to give it a chance. I'm looking forward to stupid TV shows starting up again. Yes, I watch the OC. I also watch Survivor, and just about any other insipid reality shows on TV. Of course, with the Indians rolling, I watch baseball all the time too.
Hope you all have a good week. Talk to you soon.
Posted by
9/12/2005 08:57:00 AM
Have you ever watched Becker? Anyway, his assistant, Linda, dated twins and they both knew about it because she liked them both for different reasons. It was funny how it worked out, because she really went on dates with both of them (in parallel, I guess)...not the kind of serial dating that most people do. Anyway, it can be done. I love that show, by the way and wish that I had known/been at a point where I could have liked it when it was on, because maybe it would have stayed on the air. Speaking of which, what are you watching lately? The OC comes back on tomorrow and I'm looking forward to that. I think that I watch more TV than most med students, but oh well, I like TV.
I'll be cheering for you for your half marathon. You will kick Ann Marie's (I cannot remember her name for the life of me--glad that you kicked her to the curb because that would have been tough to always be confused on that one...and there is NOTHING WRONG with a little revisionist history) butt because there is no other option.
Things here are good. Just wondering how your football season is going. I've been doing my usual recruiting for you at AL games. Tyrone Prothro would be my vote for the AL pick of the year. He's awesome. A utility player whom I'm convinced could play every offensive position but lineman. He's also on special teams and probably the fastest player that we have. Our defensive line is spectacular too. I would probably vote for #19, Castille, I think he's awesome. Anyway, let me know if you want to take a recruiting trip--we have a guest room and tickets to the games. I would get a total kick out of hosting you here.
That goes for everyone.
Miss you!
Posted by
9/07/2005 08:25:00 PM
How are you two doing? Things are going pretty well here. I took last Friday off, so I enjoyed a four-day weekend. Considering I haven't had a week vacation since last August, it was nice to get a little time off.
I am running my half-marathon this Sunday. I have two goals. 1) run the whole thing at a consistent pace and finish with a respectable time; and 2) kick the crap out of anne marie. gosh, I better not lose to her.
The house is still coming along. I need to send pictures. I should have taken a picture of the all-pink room before I started working on it. Oh well. Suffice it to say it was horrendous. Keriann's boyfriend just commenced building my bar for the basement, so I'm excited about that.
Hope all is well with you. Talk to you soon.
Posted by
9/07/2005 08:08:00 AM
Caleb said his second verb today (he still seems very far behind to us in the talking skills). We're very pleased to say it's "read". His two verbs are "eat" and "read" - obviously amongst the most important actions in the Papsdorf household. We just get him to say "pray" and he'll be all set. What else is there?
Posted by
Kansas Mom
8/31/2005 11:50:00 AM
Josh and I are horrified by what we've seen on TV in Katerina's wake. Kristin, we're so glad to hear you're ok. I've been thinking about you a lot. I'm glad you're able to have friends come stay with you. I've heard from some of our Directors in the New Orleans area that they aren't going to be allowed home for about 2 months. Yikes.
I'm traveling (business and pleasure) the next couple of weeks, but once I get back I should be back in the BLD blog business a little more. Caleb's blog is almost up to date. His website pictures are up to date. (Of course, we'll generate more while traveling, but that's ok.)
God bless and be well - to all of you.
Posted by
Kansas Mom
8/31/2005 11:46:00 AM
Hi all,
Just a note to say that we are okay. Just a lot of leaves from our neighbors and trees in the roads, street lights in the roads, etc. But, we are doing well and have only had power flickers (thank goodness) and no power outages for any length of time. It wasn't until this storm that I fully understood what losing power in AL means--no AC. With 90+ degree heat, no AC means a lot of bad things. Especially with all the moisture that Katrina brought. Luckily we haven't had to confront that like so many of our neighbors.
Law school friends of Jay from Mobile are coming to our house tonight. Mobile is a disaster (literally), so they are getting out. We are happy to have them, especially knowing how bad it is down there right now.
It's been a week of near misses for me. Last Wed., I was trying to drive to Montgomery to visit a friend who recently moved from B'ham and three two by fours were dropped from a truck a car in front of me. One broke my windshield, one hit my hood, and the other went through my radiator. I am very very lucky to be fine. My car is a wreck, but that is being fixed. It's been eventful--but! I knew it would be. Jay and I just recently bought a house, so we knew that chaos would erupt as soon as we assumed a mortgage. Hopefully, it will settle down soon...
Jonathan, I'm back online at home so you shouldn't be writing to yourself as much anymore.
Posted by
8/30/2005 07:51:00 PM
It is sad that you blog to yourself. Really, you should get out more. Or at least do work when you're at work.
Posted by
8/30/2005 08:22:00 AM
Hi, Jonathan. How are you? I hope you have an excellent day today. Talk to you later.
Posted by
8/23/2005 08:23:00 AM
I'm sorry, Jonathan. That stinks. Did she give a reason? I thought it odd that she started acting weird after you met her parents--especially since you thought that meeting went well. I couldn't help wondering if maybe she got a strange vibe from them or something. Which, in my opinion, should not be taken too seriously, since parents often feel weird about people their kids are dating. Anyway, that truly stinks since you guys were having fun.
On a different note: How are the renovations going? We're set to move at the beginning of next week. For those who are interested, our new contact info. is: 5321 7th CT S, B'ham AL 35212 and our home phone is 205-595-3815 (it's not on yet, though).
Posted by
8/03/2005 02:12:00 PM
Anne Marie = Done. Sigh.... Oh well.
Posted by
8/01/2005 11:39:00 AM
Josh, well done in joining our little blog party here. By the way, that article about toothlessness was revolting. 43% of people in West Virginia have lost 6 or more teeth? That can't be right. How expensive is a toothbrush and some toothpaste?
Kristin, good to hear from you, and that is exciting news about the house! I'm sure it's a little bit of a headache right now, but hopefully it will all be worth it. I actually made some progress on my own house this weekend for a change. I put the final coat of paint on the "workout" room, so this evening I plan on moving everything into it and setting things up. Also, my brother and a couple friends helped me make another run with furniture from my apartment. Basically all that is left to move is my bed, and then I'll be completely out. I had wanted to just move one room at a time, after I had removed flowery wall paper and ghastly carpeting from the new place. But that was just taking too long, and I was sick of having my stuff in two places.
Well sorry for the long blog. It's a slow day at work so far, and I figured if anyone else gets bored at some point this week, at least you'll have a little BLD soap opera reading for entertainment. I'll be sure to keep you posted if there are any further developments (or disintegrations, as the case may be).
Posted by
7/25/2005 09:37:00 AM
Hi All,
Sorry I've been neglectful of our blog, Jon and Jill. But, long story shorter: Jay and I were contemplating buying the duplex that we currently rent because the landlord said that he was going to sell it and we could buy it or move on. We didn't feel like moving, so we considered buying it. The whole situation was suspect, though, because our landlord's lawyer tried to get us to sign a contract at our first meeting. Needless to say, even though Jay has the bar next week, we didn't need that hurdle over to know we had to get the place inspected. To quote the inspector: "Not only would I not buy this place, but I would also move out as soon as I could." I guess our crawl space (a stupid thing they do instead of basements in the South) has the worst mold that he's ever seen. I'm pretty crazy neat in our living area, so I was angry to learn that my living situation is likely the reason that I've thought I was allergic to AL all year. Good news is, we've found a house that we like and we're set to close on August 8. But, it's been very very busy.
Miss you guys,
Posted by
7/23/2005 08:27:00 AM
I'm sure we've all heard his many boasts regarding the state of Delaware (most chickens, corporations, and annoying tolls), but now he can add in some pride for that other state dear to his heart, West Virginia. According to CNN, the state that brought us Lincoln is also the most "toothless" state in America.
Just a little tid-bit, FYI.
Posted by
7/22/2005 09:51:00 PM
That Lincoln is a huge proponent of scrapple. I think it was at the New Year's we had at his parents' house that they cooked scrapple one morning as part of breakfast (i stuck with eggs & toast). you should email that recipe to lincoln and see how it compares with what his pop makes. :)
Posted by
7/14/2005 09:07:00 AM
When my grandmother moved out of her house, my parents boxed up all her books and put my name on them. This morning, I opened the first of many boxes to find the Prairie Farmer -- WLS Family-Tested Cook Book Centennial Edition dated 1941. I was flipping through the Centennial Recipes (which I guess are ones they had printed previously and found worthy of repeating for posterity) when I found a recipe we just had to share with the BLD from 1905.
Boil a pig's head until the meat will strip from the bones. Chop or grind the meat fine. Skim fat from the broth, return the meat, season highly with salt and pepper, and add corn meal until of the consistency of mush, and cook slowly for 1 hour. Turn into a pan and set in a cool place. Slice and fry.
Posted by
Kansas Mom
7/13/2005 08:45:00 AM
What's going on, loyal readers? I had the privilege of meeting up with Josh/ Jill/ Caleb last Friday as they were making their trip to Kansas through Cleveland. I also got to meet several parent/ grandparent/ aunt/ uncle/ neighbor people, so it was an enjoyable evening. Josh bestowed upon me much sage advice during the course of the night, with such nuggets as, "enjoy your time [being single]" and "see this kid here, don't have one." Hahaha. He said it with much love in his heart, however.
Also, Josh suggested that I check out God of War on PS2. Doug, have you or your video-game crazed brothers played this game? I may pick it up this weekend.
I've gotten two rooms done in my house, and the carpet/ wallpaper has been removed from two others (one of which is the "workout" room which is the next priority on my list). A couple more pool cues have arrived, as has the dartboard, so the gaming room is nearing completion. Keriann's boyfriend Mark, who is an excellent carpenter on the side, is going to build me a bar. I'm looking at some of his sketches this weekend. Should be interesting.
Hope you all have great weekends.
Posted by
7/08/2005 10:12:00 AM
By the way, I've found what I have to look forward to! (for readers who don't read often, following the last Star Wars, I was feeling a bit depressed for lack of a movie release to look forward to)
Anyway, if you can suspend all thought (hardcore), the new Batman is pretty cool. Lots of action and that American Psycho guy whose name I'll remember as soon as I log off is a wicked awesome Batman.
Of course, Holmes drives me bonkers, but I ignored her and focused on the cool fighting scenes.
Just ignore the whole microwave thing, though, or you'll find yourself making snide remarks in the movie theater that could result in the silent treatment from your husband.
I can't wait to see who they cast as the joker, though.
Peace out A-town
Posted by
6/28/2005 09:58:00 PM
And tell us what is new with you!
We posters (Jon, Jill, Doug and myself) shouldn't get to have all of the fun. Speaking of fun, Jon, I'm SOOOO envious of your week. I want to go shopping for a game room and hack the heck out of things with a hatchet.
Sounds like a good down week to me.
I'm trying not to let my summer research position take over my whole life while also trying not to let my former grad advisor take over my whole life with writing articles. Since both could independently take over my whole life, it's a bit of a struggle. But, I find that the struggle gets easier as the week gets further from Mon. and closer to Friday :)
Anyone have good plans for the 4th? Jay and I are going to take the OCD water dog down to the lake and veg out while he (Coal) throws the ball off the dock over and over again. I kid you not...he pushes the ball off the dock on his own and jumps in after it, swims around to the shore and repeats...until we lock him inside for his own good.
I hope everyone is well!
Posted by
6/28/2005 09:46:00 PM
Apparently we have some classes forming here. Josh informed me last night that he is a "reader," not a "poster." Since I am both a reader and a poster, that must put me in a higher blog class. Josh, fight the system. Break through the electronic ceiling and become a poster.
I'm really sick of painting, and I've only gotten two rooms done. I procrastinate by either 1) doing cool yard work like wood chipping or sawing crap up (as opposed to boring yard work like weeding or mowing the lawn) or 2) buying cool toys like a home theater system or a pool table. i'm currently researching for a dartboard. Consequently, things are progressing quite slowly on the moving into my house front. Oh well. At least I'll have a kick butt game room.
It's been an easy week so far, and next week should be slow too. All the NFL teams pretty much take these two weeks off before they get back at it and try to get their draft picks signed before training camps open at the end of July. So I've had some work to do, but nothing too much or too stressful.
I hope you all (posters AND readers) have a good week and a great 4th of July weekend.
Posted by
6/28/2005 08:28:00 AM
For now, I've removed the sidebar with all our names and the Archive links because it was screwing up the formatting of the posts. Was it doing that in anyone else's browser?
Online FB is going quite slowly. Although I have managed to get Anne's computer to "talk" to my computer. So I've got that going for me.
Posted by
6/24/2005 05:53:00 PM
Doug, how is the online FB progressing? I wish I knew something about computer programming so that I could help. Oh well. I will definitely make us of your product once it's done.
Kristin, how are things going for you this week? Is it really that hot in Atlanta this time of year? I must say I am reveling in the mediocrity of the Braves. They'll probably end up winning the division again somehow, but I am steadfastly rooting against them.
Jill, how are you and Josh? Caleb? I'm looking forward to seeing you guys next week if that little soiree is still a go.
Hope you all have great weekends.
Posted by
6/24/2005 08:37:00 AM
ps. I live in hell (only weather wise) and it's still plenty hot, Jonathan. So, this may be a good thing.
I'll let you know if the weather really changes.
Posted by
6/20/2005 07:55:00 PM
It would be cool if we could play FB online against each other.
Posted by
6/20/2005 07:53:00 PM
We need to do some voice recordings of Kevin to make the game complete.
"Substitute... Me for You..."
"Alvin Karpis!"
"It's a doublay"
PS. I went on my THIRD date with Anne Marie this past Friday, after which time I still liked her and she was still talking to me. In related news, snow is beginning to fall in hell.
Posted by
6/20/2005 09:32:00 AM
I have extended invitations to Lincoln, Tiffany & Jess. Even if they don't sign up for Blogger account, at least now they know where to go for some BLD-related news.
For those who weren't in MN, I have begun work on a Family Business computer game. For now I am concentrating on just the basics (i.e. getting it to run), but feel free to email me with any suggestions for future improvements. Some examples from my wish list:
- a BLD mob
- the ability to create your own mob and mobsters
- funny sound clips (e.g. "kill the cancer")
- different personalities of computer opponents (think of the sims in Perfect Dark)
- statistics
- customized rules (e.g. atomic bomb)
I'm really serious about doing it, I just hope I have enough spare time to get it done in a reasonable amount of time.
Posted by
6/17/2005 05:24:00 PM
ps. It doesn't look like Lincoln accepted the original invitation. Perhaps he could be invited again?
Posted by
6/16/2005 09:46:00 PM
I think you have to have been invited, which Lincoln obviously was...and accepted. Then, you had to create a blogger account. But, I don't think that just anyone can access this site. However, somewhere in the recesses of my mind, I do think that Doug has the power to invite people. And,if he doesn't, you can do what Maurissa and I did...use the same user name and password until Kevin has time to straighten it out. But, then Lincoln will be able to post and we'll think it's you.
Maurissa, of course, trusted me...
Posted by
6/16/2005 09:43:00 PM
Can anyone access this blog if they have the website address? My user ID and password are saved, so I don't even remember if they are unique to me, or if I needed a special password to join this blog in the first place. The reason I ask is because Lincoln had queried about this blog and how to get on it. I had no idea. I think Kevin started this thing, but he has been so busy lately, I don't think he even checks it. Doug, do you know?
Posted by
6/15/2005 08:14:00 AM
Hi, Jill.
Minnesota was awesome. It was too bad that not all of us could be there, but it was great to see the ones who were. I also really enjoyed having the opportunity to spend time with Tiffany and Jess Ellsworth, whom I had not seen since the reunion (and didn't even spend much time with them then).
Not a lot of sleep was had, mostly because I was typically up late, and the little ones were typically up early. But the trip was so relaxing that I wasn't really ever tired. The weather was mostly overcast, but it hardly rained, and the temperatures were pleasant.
Unfortunately, I did not have a camera, so no pictures from me. I think that Tiffany was taking some though.
Looking forward to seeing you July 1st.
Posted by
6/15/2005 08:08:00 AM
Who went? Was the wedding great? Does anyone have pictures of Amanda and Jason (and the BLD having fun) they could share? I'd love to see them!
Posted by
Kansas Mom
6/12/2005 08:46:00 PM
Anyway, just thought I'd add to Jon's post and say that I was in the slow group when I lived in CA (early primary school). Mostly because I could never spell--truthfully, I still can't.
Anyway, I wish that I had had early intervention or at least phonics. Because, my brother can spell ANYTHING and he had phonics.
I had Whole spelling or whatever that CA hippy crap was in the early 80s--translation: my mom still has reams and reams of "stories" full of mis-spelled words.
oh, and that reminds me, most of my class was born in 82
which, I think, should make it obvious why we don't entirely connect on everything. How are we supposed to relate when they weren't even alive when I was buying Patty Smyth's the Warrior?
Posted by
6/06/2005 08:37:00 PM
Hiya Jon (et. al.),
I give major props to any woman who goes Salsa dancing and I still encourage the Polly movie viewing.
Anyway, in the midst of finals...knocked a class out today (Nutrition), so I'm a little brain dead.
Jill, I'm very interested in the What's going on in there book? For various reasons, all of which are likely obvious.
Jon best of luck on Wed. and keep us (me) up to date.
ps. Saw Star Wars again on Sat. and still liked it.
Posted by
6/06/2005 08:32:00 PM
Doug (or whoever) - how do you change the settings so comments appear on the blog itself when you click "1 comment" rather than that being a link to another page. For example, compare the BLD blog to the book blog.
Thanks in advance.
Posted by
Kansas Mom
6/06/2005 05:21:00 PM
Hey Jon,
You should watch the Polly movie with Ben Stiller & Jennifer Anniston BEFORE Friday's date.
Maybe it will help?
Posted by
6/02/2005 10:04:00 PM
Hey, that's awesome! What are her plans for next year?
Also, are you really living down the street from me and just not telling me? What's with the double names? I thought they only did that in my neck of the woods.
ps. I just figured out how to post without having to do all the sneaky back button pushing that I have been. That said, I like the new format now too.
ps. x2 It will be a LONG time before I get as fancy as Jon with his bullet points and what not
ps. x3 Tell Double Name Take Two that I'd pay good money for pictures of said salsa expedition. BUT, don't tell her that I called her double name take two...I just forget her name while I'm typing and am not savvy enough to look back & not lose my message.
Posted by
6/02/2005 09:57:00 PM
Posted by
6/02/2005 10:22:00 AM
ps. We're a little behind (the obvious, AL & we're po'h students) ...but, Jay just got an iPod mini as a graduation present and I won't admit it to him, but those gizmos are pretty cool. Anyone else have one? (well, besides Mo, because LA people always get the cool toys and she probably has something even better now that I haven't even heard of and won't hear of for another few years because...see first line)
Posted by
5/31/2005 10:06:00 PM
Hey there,
Doug, I'm glad to hear that you and I are on equal footing in terms of the new Star Wars...I have to admit, I've been mildly depressed since I saw it, because (again) what am I supposed to look forward to now? Anyway, at least I'm not as bad as this person (or maybe I am, afterall, I did get a bit misty during the movie...). Anyway, www.postsecret.blogspot.com see the postcard about Star Wars/Tsunami.
There are some wacked out people out there (okay okay & funny--hysterical, actually). I'm in my behavioral science course now (1 week to go) and one of my classmates claims that if we read that site we don't have to study our psychiatric disorders...I'll let you know how that goes, because one thing is FOR SURE--I'm tired of studying. I'm looking forward to research this summer. Funny, because last year at this time, I was saying exactly the opposite.
Anyway, back to it.
Miss you guys.
Posted by
5/31/2005 10:00:00 PM
Hi all. I just wanted to let you know I finally got around to putting up the pictures from our trip to Boston for Doug and Anne's wedding. Actually, I put them up a week ago; it's taken me this long to find an extra minute to let you know they're up. Enjoy.
Posted by
Kansas Mom
5/29/2005 08:45:00 AM
I loved Revenge of the Sith. I've already seen it twice. I'd even go see it again. I just think some of the dialogue between Padme and Anakin/Vader is weak.
Kristin, I left a comment on your "PS" post. Click on "1 comment" to see it.
Jon, I know exactly how you feel and I agree with Kristin.
Posted by
5/27/2005 08:40:00 PM
I don't know how to post on this new fan-dangled thing. But, Jon, I think wanting to punch her in the face is an improvement...over complete dispair, I mean. I think it's healthy to be angry.
So, anyway, feel validated.
You are normal (at least in this regard).
I say move on (but, I said that before). You'll find her. YOU WILL.
Posted by
5/26/2005 10:30:00 PM
Ignore Doug, Revenge of the Sith was spectacular.
Yoda was basically the main protagonist...it's a long way from when he was a hand puppet. Also, it definitely emphasized that all six movies are really about Darth Vadar, which makes me happy because I always thought Luke was lame. Anyway, I'm a big fan.
AND, totally depressed because what the heck am I supposed to look forward to now?!?!?!
Posted by
5/26/2005 10:25:00 PM
I think I needed that early intervention stuff when I was a child. I'm pretty sure my parents thought I was a slow developer. Supposedly, I could barely talk, and when I did, I just talked nonsense all the time. My favorite thing to say was "bee deet" and "nonny bee deet" which apparently meant "big jet" and "very big jet". There is something to be said for having your own language though.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. I'll be moving boxes and furniture over the next several days. Fun stuff...
Posted by
5/25/2005 09:10:00 AM
Hi Kristin (and other interested parties). Here's a link to the history of Early Intervention in NYC. I know Dan and Betsy are familiar with it because she worked for a similar system in Boston.
Basically, it's a safety net to catch kids with problems while it's still early enough to help them the most. We don't really need it since we're well educated about potential issues (like hearing deficits), Caleb gets excellent primary care from his pediatrician, and we could pay out of pocket if we absolutely had to, but it's a great service to those who don't have those kind of supports in place. It is nice for us, too, since Caleb's insurance doesn't cover speech therapy. It would be a significant cost for us. (Of course, we did "pre-pay" through our taxes.)
Because we went through the system, we had about ten meetings, all a week apart, before Caleb was approved and services started. By then, he'd started talking. He's still a little behind where they'd like him to be, so I think they'd continue anyway. But I'm confident by his first assessment, they'll consider him back on track and will discontinue the services. We're moving to Kansas, so we'd be stopping them anyway. We just don't have to worry about finding a therapist after we move.
As for the signing, it is supposed to be a way for babies to express wants and needs before their physically capable of speaking. The idea is to curb frustration that babies feel because they know what they want to communicate, but they don't have the ability to actually communicate it.
All the documented research that I've found says that babies who use signs actually speak earlier than babies who don't - perhaps because signing encourages adults to speak more with them and therefore increases spoken interaction and opportunities to learn. Our pediatrician isn't sure. Personally, I wonder if there are different populations of signers. For example, Caleb was way ahead in his motor skills, sitting, cruising, crawling and walking early on the spectrum. Perhaps he liked focusing on getting around and depended on the signs to get him by while he was too busy to learn to speak.
We did stop using the signs and he started talking more. (The speech therapist suggested by not responding so quickly to his signs, we'd give him more incentive to talk.) I'm not sure if it really made a difference or if he would have started talking anyway. He says lots of words he never learned signs for, like turtle, and still does the sign for most of the words he has signs for, like apple and more. I can say that the screeching decreased whenever Caleb learned a sign for something he wanted, like Clementines. For that reason alone, despite the potential for later talking (which I admittedly doubt), we plan to sign with the next kid.
The BLD blog has a lot of archives.
Posted by
Kansas Mom
5/23/2005 08:57:00 PM
I finally got around to fixing the template. Let me know what you think.
In other nerd news, Revenge of the Sith is very, very good. Some of the dialogue is still pretty weak ("No, I love you more"), but I think it is definitely in the same league as the first trilogy.
Posted by
5/23/2005 08:10:00 PM
Hi Jill,
I don't know what early intervention speech therapy is or what it is for--fill us non-mom(s) (& Jon) in...
I was curious why you were teaching Caleb signing, but always thought it was a way to fill in until his words caught up. Did I miss a critical link?
Anyway, best of luck on your trek. Just think, one of these days going to the grocery store will be infinitely less complicated and apartments will be real people size :)
Hope all is well.
Posted by
5/23/2005 03:13:00 PM
I know, it's been a while since you heard from me. Thanks, Kristin and Jon, for holding down the fort.
For those of you who didn't know, Caleb qualified for Early Intervention speech therapy. Of course, it takes a while for all the t's to be crossed and all the i's dotted - and by the time we started, he was talking. But she still comes and plays with him. We're trying to get him to say a verb now, but the closest we've come is "bye bye" which means "take me outside right now or suffer the consequences." He does, however, say many words (probably 15 or so). It's exciting and amazing to think about how much he must be learning right now - an entire language! I wish it were so easy for me.
In sad news, we won't be able to make Amanda and Jason's wedding. We're very disappointed and tried everything we could think of to work out a way, but it just wasn't possible. We're sorry to miss all of you, but we'll be at the New Year's celebration (cross our hearts).
Jon, I know you wanted plenty of notice. We're going to be staying overnight in your lovely home city the night of July 1st on our trek cross-country with our family and most of our earthly belongings. Are you free for dinner? You'd probably have to meet us at my aunt and uncle's house, but they won't mind. You could even bring a guest, if you were so inclined.
Posted by
Kansas Mom
5/21/2005 08:52:00 PM
For those of you who are interested in what Kristin and I are talking about, my friend JC's website is http://www.jcsteinbrunner.com/
Posted by
5/17/2005 08:25:00 AM
Hey Jon,
I perused JC's site and his work is very very impressive. Not that I know a damn thing about art, except what I like. And, I like his stuff. There is a painting in one of the cafe links that has one of the Roman emperors and it's not a crinkled paper one that I think is fantastic. That's not to say that I don't like the crinkled ones, I do. In fact, I really enjoyed his explanation of them and I'm not sure if this means anything, but if I'd had to guess what he was trying to do prior to reading that blurb, I would have guessed right. I never know if artists want average joe's to try to figure out their inspiration or not. For all I know, that could be an insult...too uptight or something.
Birmingham has a flourishing art scene and after reading your email and seeing JC's work, I'm inspired to go take some of it in.
Anyhoooooo, tell him I said hey when you get a chance and that I was really impressed by the work they did in Chile. Although, it seems as if that was 2 or more years ago.
Time flies, eh?
Miss you all.
ps. If anyone hears what flavor the new Walsh is going to be--do tell! If not, let's start taking bets. I'm betting on a boy.
Posted by
5/16/2005 06:27:00 PM
Hello all (we seem to have upped our readership lately). I had a pretty fun weekend in Chicago. I went up there for a swim clinic and also had an opportunity to hang out with an old high school buddy JC - Kristin I'm sure you remember him! It was fun to spend time with him, reminisce a little bit, and hang out on his turf for a while. The Chicago scene is pretty crazy, and it was a new experience for me going to artsy, trendy bars. We don't have too many of those in Cleveland, but of course my artist friend JC knew all the hot spots for artists (and many poser artists, according to him) to hang out. I also learned a lot of new stuff from some of the top collegiate and club swimming coaches in the country, so it was definitely a worthwhile trip.
Posted by
5/16/2005 08:38:00 AM
Hello hello!
Sorry I've been incommunicado. Jay graduated last weekend and this week I've been terribly busy with exams (one to go) and such. It's only midterms for me, but I'm still looking forward to their being OVER.
The talk shouldn't be dreaded if you're on the same page, which is pretty easy to gauge if she keeps saying yes. I'm with Dan, though, in that it's not really necessary. If you keep doing stuff together and keep enjoying each other's company--why wreck things with talking? I'm all for the keeping on keeping on approach. Talking is for when things start to go badly. Then, it's over-rated and people should just move on. If someone says, "We have to talk." Just say goodbye, it's easier on everyone.
Then again, I haven't dated in 8 years, so I might not be the best person to ask. Then again, I'm not sure how much I ever dated. But, I did do a lot of talking and from experience can say that it's BAD!
Posted by
5/14/2005 05:50:00 PM
You can now give your posts a title, if you so choose.
Also, please bear with me while I try to come up with a nicer template for the site. I have to go to sleep now, but I will try to have it done by tomorrow night.
Posted by
5/11/2005 10:41:00 PM
If any of you talked to Paul Goodwin (a family friend from Montreal) at the wedding, you might have heard him speak ridiculously highly of the "work" Rob & I did regarding using an accelerometer to make an active subwoofer. Apparently, several of his classmates have used our "formula" for some project of their own. Or something like that. All I heard was "the Doucet-Fasani formula" before I started laughing uncontrollably.
Posted by
5/11/2005 09:53:00 PM
Where are my Dartmouth blog pen pals? Jill, you haven't posted in over a week. What, are you busy trying to raise a child or something? Not much new to report here. It has been a very busy week, beginning on Monday with our recruiting trip to Ohio State. It went very well. I will be surprised if OSU doesn't do well this year - they are loaded with ridiculous athletes. If they don't challenge for the Big 10 championship, I will blame the coaching staff. I'm getting ready to move into my house at the end of this month, so I'm excited about that. I don't really have any furniture, but it's over-rated. I'm thinking about putting a pool table in my living room. Who uses a living room anyway?
Posted by
5/06/2005 07:52:00 AM
ps. I have been randomly walking around saying "Alvin Karpis" and "Come back to me Ma..." And Jay is starting to really wonder about "that game"
The dog thinks that Alvin Karpis means something, so he pretty much sits whenever I say it. I wish that we could play FB once a week like some people play poker. Others simply do not know what they are missing.
Posted by
4/22/2005 09:32:00 AM
So? So? Don't leave me hanging, Jon--how'd it go? Good, I hope. It was great to see everyone. Not much new to report here. Didn't fail my post-wedding exam on Monday at 8 am, but it wasn't a great showing either. It was well worth it, though, and I had decided that I would have actually been okay with failing that test. I can't wait to hear about the honeymoon (the G-rated parts). I loved getting to meet BLD Gen-2. They all have their own personalities and I enjoy them very much.
Okay, off to a SIGN lunch (student interest group in neurology)--definitely not as cool as a BLD lunch by a LONG shot.
Posted by
4/21/2005 11:31:00 AM
Yes, sorry. It has been a while since I posted on the Jon-Jill-Kristin blog here. I remember checking it a few days in a row with no new entries, and then for some reason it slipped my mind for a while. But I caught up on everything today, so combining that with our conversations at the wedding, I feel pretty well-versed in what is going on in your lives.
It was great to see you at Doug's wedding, and I am looking forward to seeing you again in a couple months at Amanda's wedding. I have never been anywhere in Minnesota, much less in the middle of nowhere (where Ely seems to be). Should be interesting.
Until then,
Posted by
4/19/2005 07:51:00 AM
Typically there is no reason for me to post, since Jill does a far better job than I relating the important stuff. However, I was compelled to post after noticing the following headline on CNN.com: "Man in Black Detained at U.S. Capitol".
While the description doesn't sound like Hursty, I am just a little concerned that perhaps the festivities for Doug's bachelor party may have already gotten out of hand.
Seriously though, sorry I won't be able to make it on Thursday, but I do wish the rest of you an enjoyable and Secret Service/SWAT free celebration.
Posted by
4/11/2005 08:30:00 PM
Wow - nearly a week without a post from Kristin or Jon. What's the blog coming to?
The Papsdorfs (that's us) were hoping to move at the end of May, but I learned last Monday that I was in charge of a new project at work. (Nothing like taking over when we're three months behind schedule.) It's going to be a ton of extra work, but I'm fairly confident I'll do alright. The sad news, however, is that it's better if we stay in New York through the end of June. It's not a project I couldn't do remotely, but as long as we're already here, it seemed prudent to agree to stay a bit longer.
We still haven't decided where we're moving to, and another month in New York has taken the pressure off making the decision. We'll keep you updated.
Posted by
Kansas Mom
3/25/2005 09:53:00 PM
Hi all. Josh finally heard the official news on his fellowship. He's been awarded a Dissertation Fellowship from Fordham. I don't think they give out very many of them (so be duly impressed), but more importantly, they're going to pay him to write his dissertation next year and he doesn't have to teach. It's even a bit more than his fellowship this year. Hooray for Josh! (Of course, it does mean he'll have to get busy and write write write. It's a good thing we're planning a move to the Midwest so Grandma Dixie or Grandma Betsy can watch Caleb; Josh has a lot of work to do.) We're still deciding when to move and where to go. We'll keep you in the loop.
I've reached a whole new level of blogging with Caleb's blog -- pictures! I know, you can see all the pictures you want on his website (if I ever update it), but this way, you can catch a glimpse without going through all the pictures. Check it out when you have some time. And leave comments. Comments are fun.
Posted by
Kansas Mom
3/19/2005 11:38:00 PM
Jill, this may not mean much to you...I wonder if you were even considering Dartmouth when this went down. Jonathan, perhaps you weren't in Lincoln's room during his double date with Shan and me...but, I'm sure you heard a bit of conversation about this.
To the rest of you, you alive??
Anyway, Endless Love was on the radio tonight while I was stuck in traffic going to the grocery store at rush hour (poor planning on my part). At any rate, it gave me a goofy smile.
or, to those who know: Slendneless lovinless
Hope all is well.
Posted by
3/14/2005 09:21:00 PM
It's very late and I'm up because I had a premonition that our computer was going to die and take all pictures of Caleb with it. So I'm burning hundreds (yes, this is an exaggeration) of discs of all his pictures in duplicate so we can put one set in the lock box. Silly, I know, but I'll feel better once it's done.
We have been camera-less for about three weeks. We finally ordered a new one, but we'll have missed a month of Caleb's life. So now, baby number 2 (no, not on the way yet) will at least have more pictures than Caleb did when he or she is 14 1/2 months old compared to Caleb at the same age. I do have a couple of pictures of Caleb (and all of us) at the Gates here in NYC from Sarah Ito. Eventually I'll scan those for his site.
In case you haven't already heard, Josh and I are planning on moving to the Midwest at the end of May, or perhaps the end of June. We don't know exactly when or exactly where, but we do know we're moving. He's going to write his dissertation. I'm going to keep working (discussions currently ongoing to work remotely for NAF). Hopefully, Caleb will be in the loving care of either my Mom or Josh's Mom. Sherlock is safely home with Dan and Tania. We hope to have him back within three months (once we move).
That's all the news and then some. Kristin and Jon, it's great to keep in touch with you this way.
Oh - and I've started another blog. (So I can have more reasons to stay up past my bedtime.) If you're interested in being a contributor, just let me know.
Posted by
Kansas Mom
3/13/2005 11:08:00 PM
Hi Jonathan,
Big congratulations on your state champion! Which event?
My brother is doing well, as far as I know. Yale has a more relaxed schedule than we do, so I get jealous a lot. He had a whole week off to prepare for his second year play (in med school, yes, I know, confusing). I'm looking foward to seeing the video, though. I always enjoy his acting endeavors. His wife (Michelle) is great--I really like her. I am not sure if you have met her before, perhaps at the wedding. I count myself very lucky to have two fun new sisters in law. Hey! That reminds me, fill me in on Bethany's wedding. How did that go? I hope well. My parents seem to be doing well. They talk about retiring a lot, but that's not really new. I think that they have been talking about it for a decade now. I miss seeing them, but I try to see them every month or so. They claim that they are going to move closer once they retire. But, I think the truth of the whole thing is that they are going to move where there are grandchildren...and that's not on my radar screen at this moment. I can't speak for my brother.
I'm glad that you and Lindsey are talking again. Navigating the dating scene can be tough...my friend Cristine gets frustrated with me when I try to understand, though. I didn't feel young at 21 when I started dating Jay, but according to her, I've been out of the "scene" so long that she doesn't give much credence to what I say about it. But, I still maintain that when it's right, it should feel easy--at least at first. I wouldn't want to try to sustain a relationship over such long distances again, though.
I think that you are in Dougelay's wedding? Best man, right? I'm planning to hit Boston that weekend, as is Maurissa. It will be great to see you.
Well, I'm headed into finals for this course block. I cannot wait until March 18! I'll have a small spring break around that time. I was contemplating driving up North and I would love to stop and meet Mary Grace. But, I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do so or not. Jay and I are trying to figure out what to do about our living situation for next year, whether to keep renting or to start thinking about buying a place. So, I may have to spend a little bit of time figuring that out that week.
Anyway, great to hear from you.
Posted by
3/03/2005 09:40:00 PM
Hey Kristin. How are you doing? Sounds like you are adapting to life in Alabama, which is great. Things here are going well for me.
Posted by
3/01/2005 12:44:00 PM
Hi Jon and Jill,
How's it going? Not much new down here. Jay's going to a bar class today and I'm going to a memorial service for the families of our anatomical donors from the fall. Last night I went out with the wife of a friend of Jay's--trying to meet friends. It was fun. She lived and worked in NYC for two years, so that's a bonus. I meet a lot of people who have lived their entire life in AL. Not that that's bad, but there is more to talk about when you know other common places (at least more for me to talk about, because I haven't quite experienced AL). Life will be much better down here once I meet a few people. But, it's starting to stay light longer and spring is definitely trying to make a comeback, so that makes me happy.
Well, that's it from AL.
Hope all is well.
And to everyone else, this blog post will probably be a thousand years old before you read it, but hello to you too.
Posted by
2/26/2005 09:50:00 AM
Picture request!! Send me some pictures! Post them on this site. I could use a BLD kid fix :)
They are growing so fast--I saw a few glimpses on the Papsdorf site (kudos by the way, I always know where to look for pictures of Caleb). But, I want to keep track of Aidan and Mary Grace and Wesley and Amanda and Caitlyn. And any others that are slipping my mind, but not intentionally. Keep us posted.
And Jon, I always like to hear from you. You can post a picture of you--that's about all I've got too.
Hope all is well.
Posted by
2/18/2005 12:29:00 PM
Papsdorf Update
Sherlock went to live with my parents for a while. Then he's going to move in with Dan and Tania. He'll have a lot more space and another dog to play with. We plan to reclaim him as soon as we have a bigger home.
Caleb is 14 months old. Check out new photos and fun stuff on our website.
All really interesting news ends up on Caleb's blog. Josh and I are very boring. At least, I'm boring and Josh is busy keeping up with all the paperwork involved in teaching two classes of Fordham students. You can check out his professorial rating. So far, so good.
Did you know the spell check here doesn't recognize "blog"? Strange, but true.
Posted by
Kansas Mom
2/11/2005 11:05:00 PM
No one has posted on here in a while. What is up with that? Well things are pretty good with me. I am not married and I have no children (that I know of) or pets. So I spend money on myself. That is fun. Swim season is almost over, which will be a welcome relief. Work is going pretty well - the Patriots winning the Super Bowl is always good for business. Family is healthy and doing well also. What else? Not too much. It's quiet here today because Neil is traveling to the Pro Bowl in Hawaii. Must be nice. That's ok - I don't mind holding down the fort in balmy Cleveland. Only a short time until baseball starts up, so all is good in the world. Hope you are all doing well. JH
Posted by
2/10/2005 10:31:00 AM
The party was wonderful and we loved seeing everyone. Baby Wesley is a dream child and we pray all future BLD children will look to him for guidance on 10-day-old behavior. Mary Grace and Aidan continue to inspire Caleb. He's already doing the Hokey Pokey like Mary Grace and pushing the Swiffer like Aidan. Jason, it was a pleasure to meet you and we look forward to many more New Years parties with you. Doug and Anne, we look forward to the next gathering in your honor!
Posted by
Kansas Mom
1/05/2005 11:12:00 AM